
自己紹介 / Self Introduction

Let me frequently update this profile based on writing note. because i would like to explain background to add main notes.
Last update : 4th Jan 2021


I was born and grew in tokyo, as mother coordinated, i took examination for private junior high school and barely and lucky passed one attached to university. After that I spent 10 years as moratorium to graduate university. By that time, there were no english and aboard topics in my life. I believe it's normal Japanese.


After graduated, I had experienced two types of job in two company, and have been working for internet company as of now. I through that it would be nice If i could use english, but no study and as result. But lucky i had some chance to learn and use english, based on that, I got opportunity to work in Singapore when i was 35 years old. So I had been in Singapore for 4.5 years. and backed to tokyo again from Dec 2020. My strength in business is to scale up business than to start new business.   

趣味はもともとITガジェット系とか好きだったけど、今はあまりそこまで情報をアップデートしてないかな。カメラ(Ricoh GR2->GR3/ CANON EOS 6D)で写真とるのは好き。土日のカフェ・美味しいおやつ探しや、旅行などが最近の趣味。あと、日本のドラマを見るのが結構好きですね。本は結構Kindle /Koboの中に溜め込んでる感じ。そして、ちょっとできたらいいなと思ってたバイオリンを5年前ぐらいから初めてなんとか続けてます。

As my hobby, i loved to buy digital gadgets, but getting less the interest recently. but love to take photo by digital camera (Ricoh GR/ CANON EOS 6D). Also enjoying cafe popping and travel, and watching TV drama in weekend. there are many stored and unread book in Kindle / Kobo. Also i have practiced to play Violin for 5 years. 

ロードバイクは前から興味があったけど、パンデミック下になり、WFH(Work from Home)メインに仕事がなったのもあり、あまりの運動不足に危機感を覚えた&たまたま知人が使わなくなったロードバイクをくれたのもあり2020/Julyからスタート。

After pandemic, i truly realized lack of exercise because my work style has been changed from office to WFH(work from home) and sometime less 2,000 steps per day on my apple watch. before pandemic, average steps per day was around 10,000 steps. At same time, luckily my friend gave me a roadbike that he has not rode a lot. So i could started to ride bike from July 2020.




日々ぼけっと生活してしまっていますが、他の人にもなんらか価値のある情報や自分なりの視点を何か持っているはずと信じてnoteをはじめました。 自己紹介はこちら https://note.mu/t_kis/n/n768f4613e0ef