


 最初にテレビ朝日からメールが来た時は目を疑いました。「なんで、三重県のド田舎の個人塾の講師になんぞ興味を持ったのだろう?」 でも、続けて電話がかかってきて詐欺ではなさそうだと感じた。女性だったからかもしれない。 そして、「ディレクターが収録当日に高木さんのところに伺います」 と言われて、またビックリ。「なんで、東京からわざわざ三重県に?」 でも、本当に来てくれてモニターを見たら「綾小路きみまろ」さんと「北斗晶」さんがいた。「これは、夢ではなくて本当だ」 と、考える間もなく本番。あの「綾小路きみまろ」さんや「北斗晶」さんが、私に話しかけてくるではないか。ビックリ!! 私は素人だから、無我夢中で返答しアッとという間に本番が終了。ディレクターさんが東京に去って行った。・・・・ 放送されたら、現実だったと確信できそう。

When I first received the e-mail from TV Asahi, I couldn't believe my eyes. Why would anyone be interested in teaching at a private cram school in the doldrums of Mie Prefecture?"  But I felt it didn't seem like a scam when the call continued. Maybe it was because I was a woman.  And, The director will visit Mr. Takagi on the day of the recording.  I was surprised again. Why would he come all the way to Mie Prefecture from Tokyo?  But he really came, and when I looked at the monitor, I saw Kimimaro Ayakoji and Akira Hokuto. This was not a dream, but the truth.  Before I had time to think about it, the show was about to begin. Kimimaro Ayakoji and Akira Hokuto were talking to me. What a surprise!  I was just an amateur, so I responded to their questions without thinking, and before I knew it, the show was over. The director left for Tokyo. ・・・・  When it is broadcast, I will be convinced that it was real.


