
リベカのアドベント -2日目-



Today is a school day. In the classroom, Rebecca was paying close attention to what her teacher, Ms. Maria, was saying. Rebecca was very good at her studies, and this is how she did it: she would listen closely to everything her teacher said so that she wouldn’t forget. After returning home (or while walking home alone) she would precisely recollect and reflect on everything that her teacher had said. By doing this, she could recall the same things even for her tests.
Ms. Maria said that when you write the letter for ‘mountain pass,’… yes, yes, I think she drew a mountain on the blackboard and made it go up, then down. She was pressing against the frame of her glasses, so it must be on the next test. It’s her habit, I am sure of it.
Outside the window, snowflakes were falling like cotton candy.
Something like a bird was flying around, but Rebecca was in a serious mood and didn’t notice one bit what was happening outside.


作:石川 葉 絵:石崎 幸恵 訳:Andy Carrico 英訳編集:Rey DeBoer

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