
インスタ翻訳シリーズ vol.1


バーナル滝(Vernal Fall)

The Merced River is running high, fast, and cold! Here are a few tips if you choose to do the strenuous hike to the top of Vernal Fall:
-Stay on the trail; do not approach the river. Stay away from the river side of the trail.
-Rather than going up and back on the Mist Trail, consider the loop! Go up the Mist Trail, then return back on the John Muir Trail. (This works from either the top of Vernal Fall or Nevada Fall.) It's a bit longer, but you'll avoid having to descend the wet, slippery, steep, crowded steps of the Mist Trail. -Be prepared to get wet! In addition to mist, expect some localized trail flooding, as well.
-Of course, be sure to bring plenty of water and snacks, and don't forget a headlamp/flashlight with a new or extra battery (your cell phone doesn't count!) It's not uncommon for people to be out on the trail longer than expected, struggling to find their way back in the dark.


Merced Riverは、深くて、流れが早くて、冷たいよ。
Vernal Fallのテッペンから眺めたいときは、次のことに注意してね。


② Mist トレイルから登っていくより、John Muir トレイル経由で行ったほうがいいよ。Mist トレイルからだと、道が急だし、濡れるし、滑るよ。


