
Panna cotta with Shine Muscats

I can easily find fresh veggies, sea foods and fruits in Wakayama, Japan.

August is good month to find fresh peaches, plums, blueberries and pears.

I also found Shine Muscats in this weekend.

Shine Muscats are very expensive fruit in Japan.

If the bunch of Shine Muscats has a perfect figure, the price is 4000 yen or more.

I found 2 dozens muscats in a small cup.

It was 350 yen.

Some muscats had scars but they were still beautiful.

I wanted to make something good with these beautiful muscats.

Then I decided to make panna cotta.

Panna Cotta

Panna cotta is an Italian dessert of sweetened cream thickened with gelatin.

Making panna cotta is very easy.

I’d like to introduce some tips to make a good panna cotta.

1. High fat content heavy cream is recommended

There are 2 kinds of fat content of heavy cream in Japan.

One has 32 - 36% fat content, the other has over 40% fat content.

If you like rich taste, I recommend high fat content heavy cream.

If you cannot find over 40% fat content heavy cream, it’s ok.

Even if it has less than 40% fat content heavy cream, it still tastes good.

2. Good vanilla makes good taste

If you can get vanilla beans, I super recommend to use vanilla beans.

It gives rich and natural vanilla flavor.

If you cannot get vanilla beans, you can also use vanilla extract.

I recommend to use natural one, not artificial one.

Panna cotta is very simple dessert.

Great ingredients make powerful outcomes on the taste.



200 ml heavy cream
100ml milk
35g sugar
4g gelatin
1/6 vanilla beans
1tsp brandy (if you like)


1. If you have a gelatin leaf, put the leaf in the water.
If you have gelatin powder, add 1 tsp water in the gelatin powder and mix them well.

2. Put heavy cream, milk, sugar and vanilla in the small pan and heat it.
Turn off the heat right before it is boiled.

3. Add gelatin in the pan and melt them completely.
If you have gelatin leaves, please squeeze them to remove excess water in advance.

4. Put the pan in the cold water bath and let it cool and add brandy if you like.

5. Pour the liquid into glasses you like.
I made a slope in a glass with panna cotta.
If you want to try this technique, please see this pic.

I use a plastic container to keep the angle.
You can any tools you have in your kitchen.

6. Let them keep cool for 2, 3 hours until they set.

7. Decorate panna cotta with your favorite fruits.

I made 2 kinds of panna cotta at this time.

One is a panna cotta with only fresh muscats for decoration.

The other is a panna cotta with white grape jelly and fresh muscats.

Jelly was very helpful to give richer flavor.

And it looks cute.

Enjoy making your favorite panna cotta!!!

#baking #cooking #dessert #summer #summerdessert #pannacotta #shinemuscat #muscat #wakayama #fruit #fruits
