
About The Good Spread

Are you satisfied with your current life? If you were to rate it on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, what score would you give to your own life?

I don't believe everyone can confidently say, "I'm absolutely happy with my life! A perfect 10 out of 10!"

So, do you want to make your life better? Do you want to live a life where you can confidently give it a perfect 10?

Of course, right? I can't imagine anyone wanting an unhappy, subpar life. Everyone wishes to live the best life they can.

I, too, aspire to enrich my daily life, enjoy it, and grow. Instead of leaving my New Year's resolutions as unattained goals, I want to put in the effort to achieve them and feel a sense of accomplishment at the end of the year. I want to confidently say, "I'm living a perfect 10 out of 10 life."

At "The Good Spread," I'll share my practices, learning, and thoughts. Just as the blog name suggests - something good is spreading and being shared - featuring health and wellness, sustainable lifestyles, self-care, and more, aiming to provide inspiration to make your everyday life even better.

I believe we can all achieve a level 10 life! Follow this blog if you aspire to live your best life.