
【英日対訳】 #イラク戦争の総括 ブレア元英首相、ISを生み出した“誤った戦争”だったことを認める|米CNN(2015.10.24)


Source: Daily Mail

On the folly of invading Iraq


CNN: Given that Saddam had no WMDS, was the war a mistake?


BLAIR: I apologise for the fact that the intelligence we received was wrong. I also apologise, by the way, for some of the mistakes in planning and, certainly, our mistake in our understanding of what would happen once you removed the regime. But I find it hard to apologise for removing Saddam.

On whether it led to rise of IS


CNN: When people look at the rise of IS, many people point to the invasion of Iraq as the principal cause. What do you say to that?


BLAIR: I think there are elements of truth in that. Of course you can't say those of us who removed Saddam in 2003 bear nor responsibility for the situation in 2015.

On being branded a war criminal


CNN: You went from being the most successful British politician of your generation to being called a war criminal. How has that made you feel?


BLAIR: When I think of my 'crime', if you like, which is removing Saddam, and we've watched Syria unfold with hundreds of thousands dying... And we have stood back and - we in the West bear responsibility for this, Europe most of all. We've done nothing. That's a judgment of history I'm prepared to have.
By the way, I always point out to people, I did actually win an Election after Iraq. But I agree, it's been... It's been a huge political problem.
