


テスラの時価総額は、 7,448 億 2000 万USDで、BMW の 674 億 7000 万ドルとメルセデスの 684 億 8000 万ドルを 10 倍以上にもなる。テスラの自動車販売台数が少ないことを考慮すると、過大評価されている可能性を感じる。

更に、テスラの利益率は2019年の24%から2023年には約15%まで低下。これは需要の減退と価格競争の激化を示唆している。2025 年までに利益率は 10% を下回る可能性すらありうる。尚、販売台数はトヨタの半分しかない。

市場シェアについて、中国 の市場シェアが 30% から 11 %に、 ヨーロッパ の市場シェアが 30% から 15 %にそれぞれ減少。なのに時価総額は増え続けている。

トヨタのバッテリーだと、航続距離は 745 マイル、充電時間 10 分を実現している。


Overblown Valuation?: Tesla's staggering $744.82 billion market cap overshadows BMW's $67.47 billion and Mercedes's $68.48 billion by over 10 times. Considering Tesla's lower car sales volumes, this valuation discrepancy is hard to justify.

Profit Margin Warning Signs: Tesla's profit margin has declined from a high of 24% in 2019 to around 15% in 2023, a clear signal of waning demand and escalating price competition. Continuing this downtrend, margins could dip under 10% by 2025.

Market Share Challenges: Tesla is facing challenges in market share, particularly in China (where their market share has decreased from 30% to 11%) and in Europe (where it has dropped from 30% to 15%).

Toyota's Battery Breakthrough: Toyota's new battery technology offering a 745-mile range and a 10-minute charging time is a significant threat to Tesla's dominance in the EV market.

Elon Musk has expressed regrets, implying that Tesla "dug its own grave" with the Cybertruck project. This admission underscores the model's production woes and practicality concerns, making it emblematic of Tesla's larger issues with delivering on its ambitious promises.

Impact of Lower Gas Prices: Lower gas prices will spell trouble for EV stocks like Tesla, as cheaper fuel might slow the shift towards electric vehicles, dampening demand.

Recession Impact on Tesla: With unemployment on the rise and a looming recession, consumer spending is likely to decrease. This economic downturn could force Tesla to cut prices and lower margins further.

Labor Unrest: The recent union strike in Sweden hints at growing labor unrest that could spread to other countries where Tesla operates. Such developments could disrupt production and add to Tesla's pile of challenges.

Bearish Stock Forecast: Technical analysis indicates a potential short-term rally in Tesla's stock price to $300-320. However, because of deteriorating fundamentals we could see Tesla's stock plummet to a mere $20-24 by 2025.

Faced with a bloated valuation, diminishing competitive edge, declining margins, and economic headwinds, Tesla's future looks increasingly uncertain.
