植物工場は大規模なものがいいとは限らないということを知りました。Learned that large scale plant factories are not always better. 

== English translation (Japanese original follows) ==
On April 19, we posted the following
「植物工場の進歩に期待しています Looking forward to the progress of the plant factory!」 

The day before yesterday, Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun published an interview with the president of Spread Co., Ltd., a company that builds and operates plant factories.
As I posted in April, I have known about plant factories for some time.
I also knew that Spread is a company that operates a plant factory and produces vegetables.

What was new to me in this article was the company's emphasis on food miles.

Usually, the larger the scale of a factory, the more efficient it is.
In 2012, the company will build a plant in Shizuoka Prefecture that will be able to produce 10 tons of lettuce per day. (Currently, there are two plants with a total production capacity of 9 tons per day.
9 tons per day).
However, Spread is thinking of building factories throughout Japan with a daily production capacity of about 5 tons, rather than increasing the size of its factories.

If they build a large scale factory, they will need to transport the product to the consumption area and may also need warehouses.
Energy is needed for transportation and storage in warehouses. CO2 will be generated.
The goal is to reduce transportation (i.e., CO2 emissions) to the place of consumption by building many small-scale plant factories.
This is not the time to make decisions based on efficiency alone.

September 20, Nikkei Sangyo
Lettuce production to increase 10-fold to 100 tons per day Shinji Inada, President of Spread, Energy major collaboration, alternative meat and overseas

== Japanese original ==
「植物工場の進歩に期待しています Looking forward to the progress of the plant factory!」 




輸送や倉庫で保管するにはエネルギーが必要になります。 CO2が発生します。

「レタス生産 10倍の1日100トンに スプレッド社長 稲田信二氏 エネ大手連携、代替肉・海外も視野」
