
2024年にフラッシュローン鞘取引で10以上のBNBを私が作った方法....そして、あなたのDIYの方法How I made 10+ BNB with FlashLoan Arbitrage in 2024…. And How You Can DIY

How I made 10+ BNB with FlashLoan Arbitrage in 2024…. And How You Can DIY

Wexo James
ウエクソ ジェームズ

Jan 10, 2024

What if I told you that you can borrow unlimited amount of money for a few seconds with no collateral and minimal risk? Flashloans make it possible to do just that.
無担保で最小限のリスクで数秒間無制限にお金を借りることができると言ったらどうしますか? フラッシュローンは、まさにそれを可能にします。

What is a Flashloan?

Most people are familiar with normal loans. A lender loans out money to a borrower to be later paid back with an interest. The borrower pays to the lender for temporarily parting with the money (collateral). Flashloans are a bit different.

No collateral. Borrowers often need to put up collateral to ensure that if they can’t pay back the loan, the lender will still get their money back. Flashloans are unsecured, meaning they don’t require collateral. Instead, the borrower needs to pay back the money immediately.

Instant. Unlike a traditional loan, a flashloan is instantaneous. The loan is fulfilled in the same transaction that is it lent out. That means that the borrower performs trades before the transaction ends.

Unlimited loan amount. Users can borrow any amount up to the total liquidity available from the DeFi protocol that provides the loan.

Minimal risk. Flashloans are repaid within the same transaction. If the transaction fails, the smart contract ensures that the flash loan does not take place. Besides the transaction fee, there is no risk.

“Learn more about flash loans

— https://academy.binance.com/en/articles/what-are-flashloans-in-defi”


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