
【禅語Zen Words】見明星悟道(みょうじょうをみて みちをさとる)Seeing the bright star and enlightening oneself to the Way.

見明星悟道(みょうじょうをみて みちをさとる)






Seeing the bright star and enlightening oneself to the Way.

This Zen words describes the moment when the founder of Buddhism, Gautama Buddha, became enlightened.

It is said that Gautama Buddha became enlightened on 8 December, when he began to sit quietly and meditate under the Bodhi tree on 1 December and on the eighth day, at dawn, he saw a star shining in the sky and became enlightened at that moment. This anecdote is expressed in the Zen words 'seeing the bright star and enlightening oneself on the Way'.

Gautama Buddha was born as a prince in the country of Shakya at the foot of the Himalayas some 2,500 years ago. He had everything he needed and lived a life without inconvenience, but when he realised the inescapable human suffering of aging, sickness and death, he sought salvation, became an ordained priest and began ascetic practice.
He thoroughly practised the suffering practices that were common at the time, but he realised that suffering was not the way to a solution and came to a meditation in which he sat calmly and deeply observed his own body and mind. This is considered to be the beginning of zazen.

What happened to Gautama Buddha when he saw the stars? What did he think when he saw the stars?
The experience of seeing the stars at dawn is an experience that anyone can have on a clear day, but did Gautama Buddha at this time understand the world and himself and become detached from all attachments from this natural experience?
In retrospect I think I was seeking to experience as many different and special experiences as possible before I died. I had no doubt that this would enrich my life and make me special.
After sitting calmly and quietly and observing myself and my surroundings (do zazen), I now think that what is important is not the quantity or particularity of experience, but how I can interpret that experience and what I can absorb from that experience - the 'resolution of experience', so to speak.
For example, no matter how we struggle, we are part of the universe, so to know a human being is to know a part of the universe. In other words, to know oneself is to know the world, and to know the world is the same as knowing oneself. So, I think that the small, ordinary events that happen in front of us all the time must be an expression of the whole universe.
The question is whether you have the resolution to read everything from these ordinary events.

What did Gautama Buddha receive from the bright star?
What can I receive from the bright star?
