
【禅語Zen Words】舞秋風水石紅葉(しゅうふうまいて すいせきこうようす)The autumn wind is blowing and the water and stones are also covered in autumn colours.

舞秋風水石紅葉(しゅうふうまいて すいせきこうようす)





‘The autumn wind is blowing and the water and stones are also covered in autumn colours.’

This Zen expression describes a scene where the leaves that have fluttered down in the autumn wind have piled up, and the surface of the water and stones are all covered in autumn colours, with no boundaries.

Stones are motionless, water is in constant motion. This Zen expression reminds us that both stones and water are in the flow of nature, without exception. Through the occurrence of fallen leaves, they become one and the same.

Now, as I move around according to my own will, how shall I welcome autumn?

I don't walk around with fallen leaves on my body, but as it gets colder, I change into warmer clothes and I eat different kinds of food.

The cold weather will also influence the way I move my body on a daily basis. I will change my attire and behaviour to match the season and I will harmonise with autumn with my whole body, just like water and stones, even if I am not consciously aware of it.

Am I choosing by my own will to harmonise with autumn? Or is my will formed by autumn?

Either way, in autumn I move around as my autumn-specific self and I am happy that I will be able to be moved by this beautiful season again this year.
