
Traditional Crafts NFT - Part 2: Introduction of Works⑬


Hello everyone!!
This is the TRADITIONAL CRAFTS NFT management team.

On Monday, October 24, 2022, we released the second round of the TRADITIONAL CRAFTS NFT.
As with the first release, designers who agreed with the vision of this project were involved in the project from the concept stage, and we have created a wonderful work of art that we are very attached to.

The second release of the TRADITIONAL CRAFTS NFT will consist of a total of 500 NFTs made from 20 types of traditional crafts from all over Japan.
Please take a look at them with excitement as if you are looking for a treasure.

【The privilege of purchasing NFTs of traditional crafts for our 2nd release】
We will invite you to our community for NFT purchasers only.
In addition, you will have the right to propose and decide how to use the proceeds from the NFT.
※You may have a wonderful encounter with friends who have gathered around the keywords "traditional crafts" and "NFT.

Today is "Nanbu Tekki".

Introduction of the creators

Mizuka Yamada(Facebook)

Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts, Department of Design, and worked as a UI/UX designer at Takram.While mainly designing and creating websites and digital products, she also engages in creative activities such as drawing.


Comment from the creator

In Japan, it is said that tools that have been used for 100 years acquire spirituality and become deities of mourning, and since the Muromachi period, they have been depicted in otogi-zoshi or fairy tales, and have become familiar to people.
Crafts that have been used and embedded in people's daily lives since ancient times may have also become tsukemogami without our noticing.
In this issue of NFT, we are trying to imagine 20 traditional crafts from all over Japan as Tsukumogami(gods of mourning).
Please take a look and see if there is a Tsukemogami to your liking.

Introduction of each work

Nanbu Tekki

This metalwork is made in and around Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture.
■Made in
This traditional craft was born in the mid-Edo period and was named "Nanbu Tekki" (Southern ironware) because it was made in the Nanbu domain. Ironware in Oshu is said to have originated in the late Heian period when Kiyohira Fujiwara invited ironworkers from Omi Province to make armor and other items.
Nambu Tekki is characterized by its resistance to rust, long life, even heat distribution, and excellent heat retention. Thick Nambu Tekki stores a particularly large amount of heat, so the temperature does not drop easily even when filled with water or food, and the temperature does not become uneven during cooking. Various patterns are applied by craftsmen to tetsubin tetsubin, which are representative of Nambu Tekki. The arare pattern, a design with a bumpy surface, is used on Nambu Tekki in order to increase the surface area of the tetsubin. The weight and stability of the ironware, coupled with the unique rough texture, make the simple beauty of this product appealing.

In closing

If you are interested in the project, please visit us on Twitter , Instagram and Discord. And please, follow us on Twitter , Instagram and note. We look forward to seeing you soon.





