
What I want to tell, design, and psychology

\ 日本語版はコチラ /

Thank you for visiting this page. I hope you take a  look at the thumbnails as well because I created it.I am Chisato Ino, a senior art major at the University of Tsukuba, and a member of TSUKUBA LIVE!

Looking back the year throguh PR material production

For some reason, I am tied with PR materials for TSUKUBA LIVE! and end up in charge of designing Instagram posts and rich menus for LINE. This will be the third and last time I have been involved in PR, but this role has still been full of difficulties. I still do not know what is the correct design. 

As the title suggests, I am always trying to balance out "what we want to convey," "design," and "effect" when designing. I want the finishing product to have a strong sense of unity that expresses the atmosphere of the event, and to have a clear message that is conveyed properly to the recipient. 
Frankly speaking, I think it is not so difficult to achieve this. However, I think it is difficult to maximize results while maintaining this balance.
The weight of the each factor can be different each time, and it depends on the content, target, and media. I first think about what I want to emphasize and move on to solidifying the atmosphere with colors, fonts, and layout. I mentioned about the factors at the beginning, but in the end, it is only a matter of prioritizing what needs to be prioritized, giving the main visual an atmosphere, and creating a good-looking visual. It sounds easy but creating this can be extremely difficult. 

I think you might tell me “You sound like you know what you are doing already”. However, that is not the case because I do not know how much impact the 3 factor gives off to the audience. It can be re-stated as me, just lacking knowledge of "marketing" and "psychology” through design. It was only a few weeks ago that I realized the importance of this stuff and now I am about to graduate. It all started when an acquaintance of mine looked at one of my thumbnails and said, "I don't think I want to look at the content at all”. The acquaintance not only gave me that impression, but also, thankfully, analyzed it and said, "Maybe people are more attracted to things that have a human face”. I did some research and found that there is in fact such a psychological effect. Now that I learned how design can connect to human psychology, I felt that there is other way to improve the main visual. The more I think, the more regret my lack of knowledge. However, I would like to do what I can do now and contribute to TSUKUBA LIVE! 

I hope everyone who is watching this will make the most of my reflections. I hope you enjoy the next article. 

📆 March 22nd (Wednesday)
🏟 Tsukuba Capio
🏀 Men's and women's basketball
🆚 Tokai University (male)
🆚 Hakuo University (female)

Get tickets from official web site⏬

1st floor
General: 2,500 yen
University of Tsukuba, high school students and younger: 1,500 yen*
*Limited quantity, 1st floor stand seats (MELT seats) only

2nd floor
General: 1,500 yen
University of Tsukuba, high school students and younger: 500 yen *
*Limited quantity
