


Supply chain security has been top-of-mind in light of recent software security incidents, including the Log4j vulnerability and the Solarwinds attack in 2021.



Last year, we announced that our default container publishing workflow would now generate signed images. Today, we’re applying that same method to Go projects. We’re also going a step further by adding support for automatically generating non-forgeable build provenance with GitHub Actions and Sigstore’s signing tools using a new GitHub workflow.


  • コンテナをpublishする際に、デフォルトで署名されたイメージが生成されるようにした(昨年に発表)

  • 同じ方法をgoのプロジェクトにも適用した

  • Github ActionsやSigstoreでnon-forgeable build provenance(ビルドの履歴を偽造できないようにする機能)を自動生成できるようにした


ちなみにSigstoreというのはコードに署名するための仕組みでLinux FoundationやGoogleなどがコミュニティに参加している。下の画像はSigstoreがどのように動作するかを示した画像だ。


This allows users to not only verify that the software they receive is authentic, but also to verify where it was built and with which software. This meets a new compliance standard from the OpenSSF called SLSA 3, which aims to help organizations improve their security posture against supply chain attacks. This workflow is available in the Actions tab in any GitHub repository.


で、これはOpenSSF(Open Source Securiry Foundation)が策定しているSLSA3という基準に適合する。

Supply chain Levels for Software Artifacts, or SLSA (salsa). It’s a security framework, a check-list of standards and controls to prevent tampering, improve integrity, and secure packages and infrastructure in your projects, businesses or enterprises. It’s how you get from safe enough to being as resilient as possible, at any link in the chain.


で、Githubが「SLSA 3になったよ」と言ってるのは、上の表のLevel3ということになる。

The source and build platforms meet specific standards to guarantee the auditability of the source and the integrity of the provenance respectively. We envision an accreditation process whereby auditors certify that platforms meet the requirements, which consumers can then rely on. SLSA 3 provides much stronger protections against tampering than earlier levels by preventing specific classes of threats, such as cross-build contamination.


余談だがSLSAにはLevel 4というものもある。

The source and build platforms meet specific standards to guarantee the auditability of the source and the integrity of the provenance respectively. We envision an accreditation process whereby auditors certify that platforms meet the requirements, which consumers can then rely on. SLSA 3 provides much stronger protections against tampering than earlier levels by preventing specific classes of threats, such as cross-build contamination.

ざっくり訳すと「2人でやれば安全だよね」ということらしい。ちょっと二度見してしまった。このドキュメント、Version 0.1なのだが、ずっとこのままだろうか。

