


The differences between communication styles often cause more agony than they really need to. It’s common enough to misinterpret an interaction when you’re standing face to face. But it’s even easier to get your wires crossed when you’re on a video call or conversing via chat.



People who have a “dominant” personal style (known in similar frameworks as a “director” or “driver”) love action and are focused on results. They prefer to think about the big picture and leave implementation details to others – there’s a pretty good chance your boss’s style is primarily dominant.

DiSCのDはdominantだ。directorとかdriverに置き換わってることも多いが、actionを愛し、resultにフォーカスするというスタイルらしい。そしてbig pictureについて考え、implementation detailは他人に任せる。

People with the “influencer” personal style (known in similar frameworks as an “initiator” or “socializer”) are your classic “people people.” They are friendly, upbeat, and always on the pulse of the latest trends. They thrive on interpersonal relationships, which makes them ace collaborators.

iはinfluencerだが、これもinitiatorやsocializerに置き換わることもある。「people peopleのことである」と書かれてるが、英語で「people person」は「社交的な人」という意味合いで、これの複数形なので「社交的な人々」というぐらいの意味合いだ。彼らは対人関係でthrive(繁栄)し、エースとなる協力者を作る。

People who have a “steady” personal style (known in similar frameworks as a “relator” or “harmonizer”) emphasize cooperation and are loathe to upset the apple cart. They value consistency, stability, and loyalty.

続けてsteady(もしくはrelatorやharmonizer)というcooperationを協力関係を強調し、apple cartをひっくり返すようなことはloathe(嫌い)という人々。語源はわからないが、きれいに積まれたリンゴ=計画の象徴らしい。彼らはconsistencyやstability、loyaltyに価値を置く。

People of the “conscientious” personal style (known in similar frameworks as an “analyzer” or “thinker”) prioritize precision and place a high value on competency. They jump at the chance to demonstrate their expertise and build new skills – just the sort of person you’re likely to find in an engineering, data science, or analyst roles.



