
今年のGoogle I/OでAndroid development will become increasingly Kotlin-firstと発表し、国内でもYahoo!カレンダーが移行するなど注目を集めるKotlinだが、新しい言語だけに歴史的な人物の回想ではなく、リアルタイムに感じられる。


Today at the JVM Language Summit, JetBrains is unveiling the new project we’ve been working on for almost a year now. The project is Kotlin, a new statically typed programming language for the JVM.

KotlinはJVMという環境で動くScalaやGroove、JRubyといったJVM言語の仲間で、JVM Language Summitでunveil(初公開)された。

First and foremost, it’s about our own productivity. Although we’ve developed support for several JVM-targeted programming languages, we are still writing all of our IntelliJ-based IDEs almost entirely in Java. The IntelliJ build system is based on Groovy and Gant, some Groovy is also used for tests, there is some JRuby code in RubyMine, and that’s it. We want to become more productive by switching to a more expressive language.


The next thing is also fairly straightforward: we expect Kotlin to drive the sales of IntelliJ IDEA. We’re working on a new language, but we do not plan to replace the entire ecosystem of libraries that have been built for the JVM. So you’re likely to keep using Spring and Hibernate, or other similar frameworks, in your projects built with Kotlin.


The final point is less obvious but still important: new programming languages is a topic that many people really enjoy talking about, and the first days that have passed since we’ve unveiled Kotlin prove that.


It’s been a long and exciting road but we’ve finally reached the first big 1.0, and we’re celebrating the release by also presenting you with the new logo:

