


1. Value vs. Complexity
The value vs. complexity framework gives product teams an objective way to determine which initiatives (features, bug fixes, etc.) to prioritize on the roadmap. The team then scores each action according to how much value it will bring to the product and its level of difficulty to implement.

縦軸にvalue、横軸にEffortという2軸で何を優先するかを決めるというもの。別に「value vs complexity」という呼び方をしなくても、少ない労力で多くを得られるものを優先するということは誰でも無意識にもやっているだろう。


3. Kano
The Kano model helps product teams prioritize their work according to which features are most likely to delight customers. The team will rank each initiative according to its likelihood to please customers as well as its implementation cost. After, prioritize the features rated high delight and low cost.

日本人の狩野紀昭氏による「狩野モデル」と呼ばれる手法で、こちらは縦軸がCustomer Delight、横軸がImplementation Investmentとなっている。ただ、最初のvalue vs complexityのように簡単ではない。

機能を追加しても当たり前(must be)と受け取られて満足度が高まらないケースもあれば、機能が不十分でも満足度が高いケースもある。なので、それぞれのプロジェクトがどういうケースなのか把握したうえで意思決定すべきということになる。


9. ICE Scoring
Using the ICE scoring model, product managers can quickly weigh competing initiatives by assigning each a score based on three criteria: impact, confidence, and ease. ICE scoring is designed to help product teams promptly decide which projects to take on so they can start work as soon as possible. But it is not as rigorous as other frameworks, such as weighted scoring.

12. RICE Scoring
The RICE scoring framework helps product teams prioritize items on a product roadmap by scoring them according to four criteria: reach, impact, confidence, and effort. When the team combines its total scores for all initiatives across all four criteria, each initiative will have a single score to weigh its relative value to the product and the organization.





2. Benefit vs. Cost (Weighted Scoring)
4. Buy-a-Feature
5. Opportunity Scoring
6. Affinity Grouping
7. Story Mapping
8. Eisenhower Matrix
10. Impact Mapping
11. MoSCoW Analysis
