

Verizon Communications Inc. is seeking a buyer for blogging website Tumblr, according to people familiar with the matter, as it tries to steady a media business that has struggled to meet revenue targets.

この話題を最初に報じたのはWall Street Journalだった。according to people familiar with the matterは「この問題に詳しい人によると」という意味。Verizonのメディア事業をsteady(安定)にさせるために買収先を探している。


TechCrunchの記事では、当時のYahooのCEOであるMarissa MayerがYahooを去る旨をTumblrに残していることにも触れている。

The Yahoo-Verizon transaction closed this morning. Here’s the email that I sent to company, looking back at the last 5 years and the company’s whole history.
323 days ago, we announced that Verizon would be acquiring Yahoo’s operating business. Today, I can announce that the transaction has officially closed. While reaching this moment has certainly been a long road traveled, it marks the end of an era for Yahoo, as well as the beginning of a new chapter – it’s an emotional time for all of us.

YahooがTumblrを買収したのは、FacebookがInstagramの買収に触発されたのではという見方もあるようだが、最後のあいさつにTumblrを選ぶあたり、Marissa Mayer自身もTumblrを愛していたのだろう。


"Tumblr was a safe haven for those who wanted to explore and express their sexuality, adult entertainment aficionados included," Price told BuzzFeed News. "We’ve long been dismayed that such measures were taken to eradicate erotic communities on the platform, leaving many individuals without an asylum through which they could comfortably peruse adult content."

Tumblrはsexualityなどについて表現する人にとってsafe havenだった。Tumblrを所有するVerisonによってエロティックな表現をeradicate(根絶)されていたのが残念に思っていたようだ。

"There are obvious synergies between the two brands and value Pornhub could derive from Tumblr. We’re extremely interested in acquiring the platform and are very much looking forward to one day restoring it to its former glory with NSFW content," Price said.

NSFWはNot Safe For Work、つまり職場で閲覧するとまずいコンテンツだが、PornhubとしてはTumblrを取得し、これらのコンテンツが掲載されていた頃のTumblrのglory(栄光)を取り戻すことに興味がある。


After the game ended, traffic remained much lower than average in France for several hours, while traffic recovered quickly in Croatia and rose by +7% above average. Perhaps Croatian fans were looking to cheer themselves up, while those in France were too busy celebrating.

サッカーの試合中はアクセス数が落ちるという、特に意外でもなんでもない統計だが、優勝国のフランスはお祝いに忙しくてPornhubに戻ってこず、クロアチアはcheer themselves upという表現がおかしい。

“We do not tolerate any nonconsensual content on the site and we remove all said content as soon as we are made aware of it," a spokesperson told me in an email. "Nonconsensual content directly violates our TOS [terms of service] and consists of content such as revenge porn, deepfakes or anything published without a person’s consent or permission.”

Deep Fakeは有名女優の顔と他人のヌードを組み合わせたアイコラをDeep Learningで生成したものだが、これらをnoncensensual(意に反するコンテンツ)だとしてtolerate(容認)しないことを宣言している。

