

Deepfake Detection Challenge invites people around the world to build innovative new technologies that can help detect deepfakes and tampered media. Identifying tampered content is technically challenging as deepfakes rapidly evolve, so we’re working together to build better detection tools.

その名もDeepfake Detection Challengeは、Deepfakeを見つけ出すためのツールを作り上げようというもの。それぐらい検出が難しいというわけだ。

Q: How does the challenge work?
A: Participants can download the created dataset for training models. Entrants will also submit code into a black box environment for testing. We’ll be opening the challenge for submissions later this year and the guidelines and dataset license will be available at that time.


Q: How are you protecting against adversaries who will try to access the code and data?
A: We will be gating access to the training dataset so only researchers accepted into the challenge can access it. Each participant will need to agree to terms of use on how they use, store, and handle the data, and there are strict restrictions on who else the data can be shared with.

