Pythonの運営評議会は、global interpreter lockの廃止をどう決定したのか

Pythonの仕様はPEP(Python Enhanced Propozal)、つまりPythonの仕様を拡張するための仕様を誰かが提起し、それをSteering Council(運営評議会)が決定することでPythonそのものに盛り込まれる。インターネットの仕様に詳しい人であれば、RFCみたいなものといえば伝わるだろうか。

ちなみに、昔からそうだったというわけではなく、それまでPythonの生みの親であるGuido van Rossumが一人で決めていたのが、2019年に引退を機に現在の運営体制になっており、その際の議論は、こちらに書いた。


CPython’s global interpreter lock (“GIL”) prevents multiple threads from executing Python code at the same time. The GIL is an obstacle to using multi-core CPUs from Python efficiently. This PEP proposes adding a build configuration (--disable-gil) to CPython to let it run Python code without the global interpreter lock and with the necessary changes needed to make the interpreter thread-safe.




The concept of making Python free-threaded, regardless of the practical implementation such as removing the GIL, has a lot of unknowns. We don’t know how much code implicitly relies on the GIL, or is thread-unsafe in subtle ways that are masked by the GIL. We don’t know how much work it’s going to be to deal with the fallout of introducing free-threading (regardless of how that occurs). Do you think gaining free-threading is worth this uncertainty (and the uncertain amount of work to the Core Devs and the Python community)?

5人の評議会メンバーのうちの一人であるBrett Cannon氏が100人ほどいるコア開発者へ「多くのunknown(未知数)がある」という状況で、2つの質問を投げている。




Thank you, everyone, for responding to the poll on the no-GIL proposal . It’s clear that the overall sentiment is positive, both for the general idea and for PEP 703 specifically. The Steering Council is also largely positive on both. We intend to accept PEP 703, although we’re still working on the acceptance details.


