

Deynamically discover servicesとあるが、自分が運用しているサービスなのにdiscoverって、どういうことだろう?というわけで、赤いボタンをクリックして詳しく見てみる。

Service discovery via HTTP and DNS simplifies connecting services deployed across distributed infrastructure.


The shift from static infrastructure to dynamic infrastructure changes the approach to networking from host-based to service-based. Connectivity moves from the use of static IPs to dynamic service discovery, and security moves from static firewalls to dynamic service segmentation.


Consul uses a gossip protocol to manage membership and broadcast messages to the cluster. All of this is provided through the use of the Serf library. The gossip protocol used by Serf is based on "SWIM: Scalable Weakly-consistent Infection-style Process Group Membership Protocol", with a few minor adaptations. There are more details about Serf's protocol here.


The health checking provided by Serf is very low level and only indicates if the agent is alive. Consul extends this to provide a rich health checking system that handles liveness in addition to arbitrary host and service-level checks. Health checks are integrated with a central catalog that operators can easily query to gain insight into the cluster.


HashiCorp Consul is a distributed service mesh to connect, secure, and configure services across any runtime platform and public or private cloud. In this episode, Scott Hanselman is joined by HashiCorp's Geoffrey Grossenbach who uses Helm to install a Consul server to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster. Next, he deploys and secures a pair of microservices with Consul.


