

こんばんは🌙 カナダ時刻は現在「お昼時」で、今は図書館にこもって英語学習に取り組んでいます。
(Good evening!! The time is a lunch break in Canada and I'm studying English in the library now.)

ここ「1週間のトロントの天気」は快晴が続いており、とても嬉しいです😊 また下記のデータを見てみると、最近は15度を超える日が多く、なるべく外で運動したいですね。
(The good weather has continued for the last week in Toronto, thus I'm really happy! In addition, the recent temperature tends to go over 15 degrees according to this data, so I wanna try to excise outside:-)


皆さんは休日、天気が良い日はどんなことをしますか?」 私はよく自然の中を歩いてリラックスしたり、広い公園に行って友達とピクニックに行ったりします。
(What will you do if the weather is really nice on holiday? In my case, I usually walk in nature to relax or go to the big park to enjoy a picnic.)

(Today, I will study hard until meeting my friend at night!)

(Finally, I'm sharing a picture of the blue sky when I went to see cherry blossom!)

📖Writing channel の共同マガジン

(I have operated a "shared magazine", in which people can share our posts, and it is a great opportunity to be seen by many people.)

(If you are interested in joining this event, please check this post↓↓↓)


(I also have a Twitter account:) If you have a Note account or Blog, I will definitely follow back to you!!)
