
【hi ra ga na / ひらがな】Let's learn Japanese vowels and consonants.

Hiragana is the basis of the Japanese language.
In this issue, we will introduce hiragana.

1、Japanese vowels and consonants

This is a table of Hiragana.
The Japanese language has five vowels, "aiueo".
Consonants are basically "k-, s-, t-, n-, h-, m-, y-, r-, w-" and other sounds combined with vowels. There are also sounds that do not require vowels.

  • 🚨The sound for "si" is "shi" in the Hepburn system.

  • 🚨The sound for "ti" is "chi" in the Hepburn system.

  • 🚨The sound for "tu" is "tsu" in the Hepburn system.

  • 🚨The sound for "hu" is "fu" in the Hepburn system.

  • 🚨The "n" sound is used for the m sound when the n sound is followed by the "m, p, b" sound.

2、Introduction to Hiragana Pronunciation

I explain about hiragana on my YouTube.
The recommendation for this video is that you can understand the pronunciation and structure of hiragana.

3、pronunciation practice

We have created videos that allow you to practice on the a, ka, sa, ta, na, ha, ma, ya, ra, and wa lines. Please watch the videos containing the pronunciation you have difficulty with intensively and repeatedly.

👄The voices on YouTube are produced by mixing my voice with a machine voice to make it easier to listen to.

◆a i u e o / あいうえお

◆ka ki ku ke ko / かきくけこ

◆sa si(shi) su se so / さしすせそ

🚨The sound for "si" is "shi" in the Hepburn system.

◆ta ti(chi) tu(tsu) te to / たちつてと

🚨The sound for "ti" is "chi" in the Hepburn system.
🚨The sound for "tu" is "tsu" in the Hepburn system.

◆na ni nu ne no / なにぬねの

◆ha hi hu(fu) he ho / はひふへほ

🚨The sound for "hu" is "fu" in the Hepburn system.

◆ma mi mu me mo / まみむめも

◆ya yu yo / やゆよ

◆ra ri ru re ro / らりるれろ

◆wa wo n(m) / わをん

🚨The "n" sound is used for the m sound when the n sound is followed by the "m, p, b" sound.

⚠️The voices on YouTube are produced by mixing my voice with a machine voice to make it easier to listen to.

4、The message from YAE🌸

Thank you very much for reading to the end.

Let's learn a lot of Japanese, make a lot of mistakes, and improve your Japanese skills as you make mistakes.
Please let me know when I am making mistakes.
I hope to make this a channel where we can teach each other and grow together.🌈
