UKi, NSW - パパイヤの香りがする街

We can feel still like summer in here, Australia. Today is Saturday, so it is the good timing to refresh. After got some waves at the front of our apartment in Kingscliff and grabbed a cup of coffee, we were headed to the mountain side of Northern Rivers area.

夏の終わりのオーストラリア。とは言え、海水温が最も高い3月のこの時期。トランクス一枚でビーチへ向かい、軽くボディサーフィンをしてからアパートに戻り、入り口にある共用のシャワーで砂と潮を流す。海の次は山へ行こうということで、お気に入りのBulletproof CoffeeのFrech Kickをエスプレッソで淹れ、マグを片手に今日は内陸へドライブ。

We've heard about Uki, which was beautiful town, but this was the first time to visit there for us. Even though we can get any kind of information online nowadays, we also know actually visiting the place bring us more inspiration and unexpected meeting with people, nature and unknown culture.

ガイドブックに載っているような場所ではないかもしれないけど、今日は以前に知り合いから聞いたUkiという小さな街へ向かうことに。あまり下調べをせずに、Mavic Mini(ドローン)とNikon5300を持っていざ出発。どんな出会いがあるのかないのか、それも新しい場所を訪れる楽しみのひとつ。

One of our favourite scenery from our town is Mt. Warning. Can't express how it's beautiful, but can feel grand, powerful and inspiration. It might have been the reason for us to visit here.

この街を目指した理由はもうひとつ。それは僕らが住んでいるKingscliffからいつも遠目に望む山、Mt. Warningの力強い風貌と神秘的な雰囲気に惹かれたことにもある。



After driving the narrow road, we could find here was the place. It was definitely the deep side of the Australian local and small town. We could feel the time flowing differently with our usual life. 

グラフィティに彩られた建物のバックに広がる山々。あれがMt. Warinig、のはず。それほど高いわけではないのにこの存在感はやはり魅力的だ。

そしてこのUkiという街。Byron BayともMullumbimbyとも違う、独特なローカル感。500メートルほどのメインストリート沿いに並ぶ雑貨屋、古いポストオフィスがリノベーションされたカフェ、古い劇場の跡地を利用した地元の野菜やフルーツ、ローカル産ハニーが並ぶローカルマーケットなどがあった。どこも味があって面白い。

My wife has the talent, I believe, which makes children smiling and happy. In other words, my wife is always being inspired with children.  She found new toy to show children at her kindy. She looked so happy.


Cafe is the part of our life. Especially, here in Australia, there are variety of its style, not the franchised and same patterned. We visited the local post office we thought, but it was the cafe and gallery. These kind of findings is the exciting part of new visiting. 


I found a place for shooting, but my Mavic Mini had troubles for connecting. Oh!


Beautiful nature made us relaxed.


We had lunch in local cafe and enjoyed GF chicken burger. Also, I found many papaya tree around the cafe and town.


Afternoon. We unexpectedly found Tweed Regional Gallery. I still need to study to understand the fascination of the art, but I like the kind of the place of gallery and museum.


I was wondering how long did it take to create these arts. But, what I know is they are not for only money, but for more cultural tradition, self-expression, legacy and inner exploring.


As I take a photo with my Nikon5300, I got interested in more other camera and lenses. This writing might be the good execution to my wife to purchase my new toy, instead of her puppet.


#Uki #MavicMini #Australia #NSW #オーストラリア #海外生活
