
英検®︎1級 完全攻略 必須単語1750 #0701-0800



また別でnoteを書くかもしれませんが、今日新しい 大人の英語発音講座 という書籍がAmazonから到着したのでそっちを無我夢中で読んでいました。


  • 発音記号

  • ライティングで使える表現


発音を載せる理由は ① 単にハマっているから だけではなく、② 作業を増やすことでその単語に触れる時間を増やし定着可能性を高める こともあります。

そちらライティングで使える表現の方は、上記の ② に加えてライティング対策も兼ねています。



#0704 divest | dʌɪˈvɛst, dɪˈvɛst |:を脱がせる、手放させる、奪う、剥奪する
 ▷ The company divested itself of its unprofitable subsidiaries to streamline operations.
 ▷ The government decided to divest itself of responsibility for providing public housing to the private sector.

#0706 draconian | drəˈkəʊnɪən |:厳しい、残忍な
 ▷ The government imposed draconian measures to curb the spread of the pandemic, including strict lockdowns and curfews.
 ▷ The company's new approach was criticised for its draconian approach to employee monitoring and surveillance.

#0709 dumbfound | dʌmˈfaʊnd |:驚かせる、唖然とさせる
 ▷ The scientist's discovery dumbfounded her colleagues and revolutionised the field of physics.
 ▷ The musician's virtuosity on the guitar dumbfounded the audience and left them speechless. 

#0712 earmark | ˈɪəmɑːk |:をとっておく、充てる、を選ぶ
 ▷ The government will earmark funds for infrastructure projects to boos economic growth.
 ▷ The nonprofit will earmark donations for humanitarian aid to assist refugees in war-torn countries.

#0714 edifying | ˈɛdɪfʌɪɪŋ |:心を啓発する、教訓的な
 ▷ The documentary provided an edifying insight into the history of civil rights movement.
 ▷ The professor's lecture on Shakespeare was both edifying and engaging for the students.

#0716 effigy | ˈɛfɪdʒi |:像、偶像、人形
 ▷ The artist created an effigy of the famous musician using clay and other materials.
 ▷ Protesters burned an effigy of the dictator to symbolise their outrage at his oppressive regime.

#0729 ecstatic | ɪkˈstatɪk, ɛkˈstatɪk |:有頂天になった、熱狂的な
 ▷ The fans were ecstatic when their team won the championship, erupting into raucous celebration.
 ▷ The traveller was ecstatic to finally arrive at her destination after a long journey.

#0730 estranged | ɪˈstreɪn(d)ʒd, ɛˈstreɪn(d)ʒd |:別居状態の、仲違いした、疎遠な
 ▷ The former friends had become estranged after a misunderstanding, and their relationship irreparably damaged.
 ▷ The artist had become estranged from her fans, withdrawing from public life and focusing on her art.

#0739 exude | ɪɡˈzjuːd, ɛɡˈzjuːd |:を溢れさせる、振りまく、を発散する
 ▷ The athlete exuded confidence and poise, dominating her opponents on the fields.
 ▷ The flower exuded a pleasant aroma, filling the room with its sweet scent.

#0754 flustered | ˈflʌstəd |:動揺した、慌てた
 ▷ The speaker became flustered when she forgot her notes, but quickly gained her composure and continued with her speech.
 ▷ The student became flustered when she saw the difficult exam questions, but managed to answer them with ease.

#0746 foe | fəʊ |:敵、反対者
 ▷ The politician attacked his foe with a scathing speech, using his words as weapons.
 ▷ The detective tirelessly pursued his foe, determined to bring the criminal to justice.

#0747 forlorn | fəˈlɔːn |:寂しげな、見捨てられた、見込みのない
 ▷ The forlorn child sat by the window, gazing out at the desolate landscape.
 ▷ The forlorn hope of finding survivors in the wreckage of the plane was quickly fading.

#0755 gaunt | ɡɔːnt, ɡɑːnt |:〈病気・心配などで〉痩せこけた、〈場所・建物が〉殺伐とした
 ▷ The gaunt man stood at the crossroads, holding a tattered map in his hand.
 ▷ The gaunt building stood as a reminder of the city's glorious past.

#0757 giddy | ˈɡɪdi |:めまいがする、有頂天になって、目まぐるしい
 ▷ The giddy students celebrated their graduation with a wild party.
 ▷ The startup's giddy success in its first year was a testament to the team's hard work and innovation.

#0764 grinding | ˈɡrʌɪndɪŋ |:過酷な、きしるような
 ▷ The grinding poverty in the region made it difficult for families to put food on the table.
 ▷ The grinding traffic during rush hour made the daily commute a frustrating experience.
 ▶︎ result in dire consequences such as grinding poverty 

#0769 horrendous | hɒˈrɛndəs |:恐ろしい、ゾッとするような
 ▷ The horrendous accident on the highway caused a massive pileup and numerous injuries.
 ▷ The horrendous crime scene left investigators shocked and disturbed.

#0774 impart | ɪmˈpɑːt |:を分け与える、添える、知らせる
 ▷ The teacher tried to impart the importance of good study habits to her students.
 ▷ The coach sought to impart a sense of discipline and teamwork to his players.

#0775 implacable | ɪmˈplakəbl |:鎮めようのない、執念深い、執拗な
 ▷ The implacable disease continued to ravage the population, despite efforts to control it.
 ▷ The politician's implacable anger towards his opponents was fuelled by their personal attacks on his character.

#0776 imposing | ɪmˈpəʊzɪŋ |:堂々とした、印象的な
 ▷ The professor's lecture was delivered with an imposing education, making it clear that she was a leading expert in her field.
 ▷ The athlete's imposing physical presence on the filed intimidated her opponents, making them hesitant to challenge her.

#0780 incorrigible | ɪnˈkɒrɪdʒəbl |:矯正できない、わがままな、手に負えない
 ▷ Despite his parents' efforts, the child remained incorrigible, persisting in his recalcitrant behaviour.
 ▷ The criminal was deemed incorrigible by the judge, who believed that he was beyond rehabilitation and needed to be kept in prison for line.

#0782 indigent | ˈɪndɪdʒ(ə)nt |:経済的に恵まれていない、低所得者層
 ▷ The nonprofit organisation provided food and shelter to the indigent population in the city, who ewer struggling to survive.
 ▷ The healthcare system was overwhelmed by the needs of the indigent patients, who required extensive medical treatment but could not afford it.

#0784 infiltrate | ˈɪnf(ɪ)ltreɪt |:に侵入する、を普及させる、に浸透する
 ▷ The spy was tasked with infiltrating the enemy's inner circle to gather intelligence about their operations.
 ▷ The hacker attempted to infiltrate the company's computer system to steal confidential information and disrupt their operations.

#0785 injunction | ɪnˈdʒʌŋ(k)ʃn |:禁止命令、差し止め命令
 ▷ The environmental group sought an injunction to prevent the corporation from dumping toxic waste into the air.
 ▷ The labour union obtained an injunction to stop the company from implementing the new policy that violated the worker's rights.

#0793 intrepid | ɪnˈtrɛpɪd |:恐れを知らない、大胆な
 ▷ The intrepid explorer embarked on a perilous journey through the dense jungle, braving the treacherous terrain and inclement weather.
 ▷ The intrepid astronaut journeyed to the outer reaches of space, pushing the boundaries of human knowledge and exploration.

#0798 keepsake | ˈkiːpseɪk |:思い出となるもの、記念品
 ▷ The old book served as a keepsake of her grandfather, who had gifted it to her, and reminded her of the cherished memories they had shared.
 ▷ The handwritten letter was a keepsake of her deceased friend, containing the heartfelt words of encouragement and wisdom that had inspired her throughout her life.

#0799 knotty | ˈnɒti |:解決困難な
 ▷ the knotty problem required an innovative approach, as the conventional solutions had proven ineffective.
 ▷ The knotty issue of climate change required a global effort, involving policymakers, scientists and citizens alike.


