

今日、ゆーがと旅するところは、コルディリェーラの棚田群/フィリピン   です~ (1995年世界遺産登録)
山頂から引いてきた水を石積みの仕切りで溜めることで水田を形成していて、 急勾配の棚田に大型農耕機械が入れないことから、ほとんどは手作業です。


Today you are travelling with Yuga to the terraced rice fields of the Cordillera, Philippines.
The terraced rice fields of the Cordillera are spread across the eastern slopes of the central mountainous region in northern Luzon Island, Philippines, at an elevation of 1000 to 2000 meters. The indigenous Ifugao people have been practicing rice cultivation there for over 2000 years.
The rice paddies are formed by collecting water brought down from the mountaintop and retaining it using stone walls. Due to the steep gradient of the terraced fields, most of the farming is done manually as large agricultural machinery cannot be used.
Facing a shortage of successors, the terraced rice fields were registered on the list of endangered heritage sites in 2001.
However, with domestic and international support, as well as dedicated efforts to preserve the traditional techniques, they were removed from the list of endangered heritage sites in 2012.
The terraced fields here are the largest in the world, and the landscape is often referred to as the 'Stairway to Heaven.'
As for recommended Filipino cuisine, I suggest trying Kare-Kare. It is a stew made with vegetables such as eggplant and green beans, as well as beef, simmered in a peanut sauce.
It has a unique taste that you may not have experienced in Japan. Why not give it a try?"

