
The 66th day

Hello everyone! How’s it going these days? Today, I’m going to share about one day “the 66th day”!!


The 66th day- Oct 12, Wed
I’m so relaxed on Wednesdays because I don't have any class on those days. I was going to wake up at 7:30, but I couldn't so I got up at 8:30…I was so sad that my face became swollen maybe because I ate too much wheat last night lol I was not hungry at that time, so I just made a cup of coffee, and then I started to do the stuff I had. I have been getting used to life here recently, so I have lots of free time. Then, I feel bored, and I miss people so much!!! I just want to meet and talk with them, it’s more fun than spending time alone :) These days, I still have time to do nothing even finishing homework. So, I applied for a campus job because I want to use time more efficiently and keep busy!! I think I want to go out and experience as much as possible I can, and be more busy while I am young!!!!

いつも水曜日はクラスがないので気持ちはなんだかリラックスしています。この日はいつも通り7時半に起きようと思ってたのにアラームが鳴っても起き上がることはできなくて結局8時半。前日のごはんが全部小麦中心だったからか(?)起きたら顔はパンパンで悲しかった。お腹はすいてなかったのでコーヒーだけ作って、やることを済ませようと机に向かいました。最近こっちの生活にもだいぶ慣れてきて、めちゃくちゃ暇と感じる時間が増えました。それにとにかく人が恋しい!!誰かに会いたい、喋りたい(自分ってさみしがりやなんだってこっちに来て気づきました)ひとりの時間が多すぎてうんざりすることも。ひとりよりみんなといた方が楽しさは倍に増えるって私は思います:) さいきん宿題を終わらせて他にやることをやっても時間が余るんです、せっかくならこういう時間も有効に使いたいなと、バイトに応募しました。忙しい方がもっと時間を効率的に使えるタイプです!若いうちはできるだけ外に出て色んな経験をしたいって思います。

The half of the day was gone so quickly doing part time job stuff, going to the apartment office to tell my toilet didn't work. (Actually, it was not the first time that toilet didn't work. A couple weeks ago, when I went to the bathroom in the morning, it didn’t work and the water floated up. Then, I screamed out and made my roommate wake up lol It was so gross to clean up…. I felt kind of panic at the moment but it is so funny for me now, Usually I have some like these happenings since I came here)


モップとか道具がないから犠牲になったfree t-shirt…
So sorry for free t-shirt… The water, which is dirty, came to our room lol
That was really bad and hard to clean up… (we couldn't stop yelling and laughing)

Then, I waited for my friend at my apartment to cook my lunch. I was glad I'd eaten ramen (neoguri) for a while, it was really good. It was instant ramen though. I feel tired of eating American food a lot, I often change the taste of dishes. And then, I went to TJ-MAX and a thrift shop with him to look for winter outer. These days, it is very getting colder here, usually around 5 Celsius in the mornings and evenings, but it is going to be 15-20 Celsius at noon. (It is hard to get used to the weather lol) After that, I have two conversation groups from 3-5 pm every Wednesdays. Each of them has one hour, the first one is part of my speaking/ listening class, which is mandatory to join. I talked with an international student and two native speakers, I enjoy girls' talk every week:)) The second one is that I applied it individually. This one has people from the US, Brazil, Russia, Vietnam, and Japan(me). It is so fun every time for me to share our own cultures. We chat and discuss one topic such as mental health, engagements and marriages, manners, and so on…  It is really interesting for me!! I learned a lot every time!! We usually have this conversation group at the library, but at a bubble tea cafe this time because we share not only cultures but also our own snacks these days:)

クラスが終わった友達が迎えに来てくれるというのでランチのラーメンを作りながら待ちました。その後は最近だんだん寒くなってきたので冬服のアウターを探しにtj-max やthrift shopをまわりました!(最近は朝晩は1桁になるくらい寒い。昼間は15〜20°くらい。天気に慣れるのが大変です) そして15時から2時間convesation groupが毎週あります。どちらとも1時間ずつで、一つ目はクラスの一部で絶対に行かないといけないやつ。ネイティブの学生2人ともう1人留学生と私と、毎週ガールズトークという感じ💕めっちゃ楽しいです!!二つ目は個人的に応募して行ってるやつ。こちらはメンバーはアメリカ、ブラジル、ロシア、ベトナム、そして日本(私)毎回トピックをくれてそれについてみんなでお話しします。今までにメンタルヘルス、結婚と婚約、マナーなどトピックはさまざま。文化をお互いにシェアして毎回学ぶことが多くてめちゃくちゃ面白いと感じます。そして最近こちらの方はみんな出身の国のお菓子をシェアすることが多くなってきて、ついに今回はタピオカのカフェに行って行われました。

After the conversation groups, it was 5 pm already. I waited for the bus to get home, but fortunately, my friend found and took me to my apartment:) It is more fun with friends than alone! And then, I came up in my mind that I wanted to clean up my bathroom because it was repaired and finally worked fine! So I went to Walmart to buy bathroom stuff, cleaned up, and finally, I was so refreshed!!!::))) After that, I took a shower, cooked dinner, did my homework, and went to bed. On that night, I cooked chicken soup for dinner because I had flooded up my face and I hated that last night:’( And I suddenly thought that I wanted to change my hairstyles, so I cut my hair and made two ways bangs:) The season is always changing to fall, so my mind is changing as well! I like changing:)

そして時間は17時。アパートメントに帰ろうとバスを待ってたら、友達が見つけてくれて送ってくれました:) トイレが無事に治って、せっかくならと急にめちゃくちゃ綺麗にしたくなりwalmartへ行き掃除グッズを買って、トイレ掃除をして気持ちもスッキリ!シャワーを浴びて夕飯を作って、宿題をして終了という感じ。夜の小麦は気をつけなきゃとこの日はチキンスープを作りました。そういえば急にヘアスタイルが気になって、前髪を作ってみたり毛先を整えたり。季節が秋へと変わって、それに影響されて自分も変わりたくなっちゃう気分です🍂

cleaned not only the toilet but also bath. that was REALLY DIRTY

Overall, I talked about the 66th day this time! I’VE REALLY ENJOYED SO FAR!! I’m having fun in the American fall!! Halloween is almost coming;) My friend has been excited for it since August, so I am also excited about how American Halloween is going!! Thank you for reading this time as well!!

今回はこのような感じで66日目について紹介しました〜毎日いろんな変化がある日々で本当に充実しています!アメリカの秋を大満喫しています!もうすぐhalloween! 友達は8月のはじめからずっと楽しみにしていたので、私もすごくワクワクしています!今回も読んでいただきありがとうございます!

汚い写真ばっかりだったのでグッドな写真!キャンパスでお気に入りな場所みつけました:) ひとりでチルしにキャンパスにあるpotter lakeへ!
The good picture at the end!! I found my favorite place, Potter Lake on campus recently to chill;))
