
March 13th, 2021

It was the 6th day of the GYROKINESIS Cardiovascular breathing program at midnight. I was so exhausted but I took it because one of the important things is to keep on joining it.

One of my favorite Master Trainers, who lives in Greece taught it on the 6th day. His teaching was so excellent. It was clarified. So I could understand more. Then, My feeling has been changing step by step. 
I feel my body gets expansion day by day.
Then it's comfortable to breathe deeply.
I am looking forward to changing my mind and body next week.

ぜひサポートしてください。 まだまだ日本では馴染みの薄いジャイロトニック®︎、ジャイロキネシス®︎を通じて、楽しくすこやかに生きる人たちのサポートをできるように使わせていただきます。