
OnlyOneOf "savanna" individual explanation① by Yun-Eng ver.

Hi:)I'm Yun. I would like to post the article about OnlyOneOf's debut title "savanna" before I posted in Japanese, and this is for English users. 

About "savanna"

"savanna" is OnlyOneOf's debut title song of mini album "dot point jump". This song was uploaded 28,May in 2019.

[MV] OnlyOneOf (온리원오브) - "savanna" Official Youtube

By the way, here is another title song released with savanna: "time leap". Here is the link to Official Youtube.

from Youtube①

*Boldfaced text is from official Youtube' description.

A debut album that started off as a small dot, but connecting the dots and make OnlyOneOf’s own strong way and plans.

• • • (dot point jump)

OnlyOneOf aims to have understandable music and two titled songs while 21st boy group’s music is nowhere understanding to the public, filled with their own anger.

The song ‘savanna’ is actually for fandoms and filled with OnlyOneOf’s attraction more manly than the boy’s beauty. “savanna” is mainly urban dance beat, unlikely be heard at K-POP, a tune that is like decadence raising its aesthetic criterion, approaching it more like Charles Pierre Baudelaire or Arthur Rimbaud*¹’s point of views.

Too many of groups of boy bands have shown fresh, and flattering concepts on their debut. OnlyOneOf’s first love is different because it is rather burnt with thirstiness, and be out of breath.

Surviving in the boy’s group competition is like the lyrics in the song ‘Savanna’ ‘like a jungle, 약육강식(the law of the jungle). OnlyOneOf’s journey starts like a dust that cannot be seen to the public, but will not delay no further, going straight like decadence’s attraction.

from Youtube ②

I also found a comment about "savanna" from "sage", so I added it below.

OnlyOneOf "sage"-YoutubeYTRE Music(KOR)より

OnlyOneOf’s debut title track ‘savanna’ represented a ‘forbidden fruit*¹.’ The track expressed fatal *²beauty that comes along with a sense of mirth and euphoria *³through its lyrics like ‘you can get drenched and intoxicated’, while the track ‘sage’ is about the salvation after the journey of a delight *⁴and hedonism*⁵.

It represents a forbidden fruit, I think it will be the moment biting the apple (forbidden fruit). And this song would be connected with lyric of "tear Of gOd" sings Paradise lost from Instinct Part 1.

A little of explanation 

from Youtube①

1.Charles Pierre Baudelaire or Arthur Rimbaud... They are poet in France. Official says that "savanna" is more like their point of views, so I want to write it down at other article ver.2 later. That's just my guess, the song "savanna" expresses Rimbaud well, and "desert" does Verlaine... Just my guess.

from Youtube②

1.forbidden fruit... The fruit is bitten by the oldest ancestors Adam (means dust, soil in Hebrew) and Eva (life). It's said that that was the apple in general. When it came into their mouth, it means they expelled forever from Eden paradise with having (original) sin. In the "tear Of gOd" as I mentioned, they sings "I miss my eternal wings by my sin, biting an apple...". (Plz go listen to this song!!)

2.fatal...It means dangerous, destined. Like in French, "femme fatal" means destined woman.

3.euphoria... Mostly people take it as a sense of happiness. But it doesn't. It's more like a feeling of strong activation temporarily. Therefore, this word also indicates symptomatic name. What is more, go back into derivation, eu(good)+pherein (cause)+-ia (condition)※①. And Euphrosyne (the goddess of delight) appear in Greek mythology. She had created for filling the world up with delightful moment and goodwill. 



4.delight... This word is able to be divided into de (completely)+light (attract). That is sure that it is different from happiness or joy generally. It's kind of being drowned in hedonic delight, I think.

5.hedonism... There are types of hedonism like physical to philosophical, but maybe mentioned here is about just meaning drowned in delight. Hedonistic people seek their delight. By the theory of Freud, he says that there is a period that everyone obey Pleasure Principle. That is at childhood Ego-undeveloped. Human at this period act as compulsive. But once it leaves (Ego and self developed), they obey Reality Principle. Functionally, superego and self fight with drive. That is why it causes conflicts between them. As a human, I could say "savanna" expresses Pleasure Principle and "sage" does Reality Principle. 

About (next article) explanation ver.2 & finally

Thank you for reading this article until the end. I'm now writing next article, explanation ver.2. This'll be explanation from French poets' point of views. See you next time! 

If you have any question, correction, or comment, please contact me by inquiry of creator or my Twitter account below.

Twitter: ゆん(Yun) @Yun_o_o_o

#OnlyOneOf #オンオブ #Kpop #ゆん #音楽  
