
Hold hands

Last night, I posted about 'how I believed I chose to do what I loved as a job'. I couldn't truly understand what it meant until I encountered a someone's post. I've come to understand that it actually meant 'choosing to do something I can truly enjoy the process of working on’. The process means more than its own. However, we come across media messages exclaiming, 'Do what you love as a job!', and we initially embrace this saying at face value.

I'm still on my journey to discover what I truly want to do. There is no way of knowing the future, and sometimes, stepping into the unknown feels daunting, unsettling, and uneasy. If you feel the same, let's move on together, holding hands.

Have a wonderful day.

[ New Words ]
・at face value : そのままの意味で、額面通りに
 →You shouldn't accept things at face value.
・exclaim / proclaim



