
24|UI/UX designer|English 2022.10~|🇦🇺 2024.…


24|UI/UX designer|English 2022.10~|🇦🇺 2024.11~|普段は英語で日記を書いています 🌒


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  • english

    since 2022, Oct~


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新年、明けましておめでとうございます。 おめでとうの言葉が言いにくいって悲しいものね。気持ちばかりの募金しかできないけれど、平穏で安らかな日々がいち早く皆さまのもとに訪れるようにとただ祈っております。 さてさて毎年恒例、今年度の抱負とやらを先に note で整理しようかな〜と思っております。週末の三連休でもう少し具体的に、Rollbahn のスケジュール帳にもまとめたいところ。色々あって、年始早々頭の中がこんがらがっている。誰かに相談するよりも先に、文字として書き込み、とり

    • Discoveries

      As time goes by, many things around you are also changing, including yourself. My thoughts and actions, accompanied by my feelings are also transforming every single day. There are countless new discoveries, and you can see them by being a

      • Nice teacher

        Yesterday, I had a conversation with an Egyptian during an English lesson about sports. I feel embarrassed as I remember my English. Even though writing English feels a bit comfortable for me, speaking it is still a huge and difficult chall

        • 現在は、過去の産物。今を生きるわたしたち。

          わたし、思っていたより 「今」 を生きられていた! これから先の人生、何をしよう、何になろう、そもそも何がしたいんだっけ。わから〜ん!自分の人生!って、文字通り迷走していたのは確か今から一年前のこと。いや、今も別にわかっちゃいないんだけれど。 note で約一年半続けている英語日記では (過去の日記は随時供養しております、お恥ずかしいので…)、'I'm unsure about what to do with my life.' なんて phrase が何度と出てきたこと

        • 固定された記事



        • 🧵🪡
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        • english



          Yesterday, I witnessed lovely layers of pink clouds for the first time in a while, a sign my favorite season is on its way. This morning, I noticed hydrangeas starting to show their colors, turning light purple and pink. How delightful it i


          People person

          Even though I don’t have a strong interest in any particular person, their personalities, thoughts or experiences catch my attention. Above all, I suppose interacting with people with deferent experiences or thoughts makes my life more prof

          People person

          Random thoughts

          As I was about to fall asleep, I was randomly thinking about how my heart is kind of like one of those patched-up with sturdy glue. Once it got broken by sharp bows and arrows, I managed to piece it back together, feeling the pain as I pull

          Random thoughts


          Just out of curiosity, in Japan, conversations between strangers on the street or in shops hardly happen, but do they occur more frequently in other countries, even among introverted people? It’s because a British person currently living in

          Hold hands

          Last night, I posted about 'how I believed I chose to do what I loved as a job'. I couldn't truly understand what it meant until I encountered a someone's post. I've come to understand that it actually meant 'choosing to do something I can

          Hold hands

          "好き" を仕事にしたはずだった。

          「好きなことを仕事にしようぜ〜」なんて、数多くのメディアが謳っているもんだから、信じてしまったではないか。 わたしは、やりたくないことに時間を使うことがめっちゃ嫌いな性格だ。 だから、大学三年生の1月、就職活動ピーク寸前という大事な時期に、選考中だったすべての企業を辞退した。経済学部出身だが、銀行で勤める気もさらさらなかったし、ましてや営業職なんて無理。無理〜!と思ったことが要因で、どうせなら好きなことを仕事にしちゃおーう!という突発的でPOPな心の声に従ってみた。 以

          "好き" を仕事にしたはずだった。

          Grapefruit juice

          Our special week has ended, and now it’s time to get back into the swing of things today. If you’re someone who betrayed me, you might still be enjoying the day. I can’t really shake off my vacation mood… By the way, we stayed one night at

          Grapefruit juice

          I'm always myself

          Today, I’m going to apply for a passport at city hall in between work. On a different note, when scrolling through X(Twitter), there are negative comments or posts mixed in , and it really can wear me out at times. I’m not kind of the perso

          I'm always myself

          May Green

          May has begun, and all around, lush plants are in full bloom, wafting their sweet smell through the air. Meanwhile, whenever May approaches, I’m reminded of a key holder wth a letter “五月病です” that my elementary school friend used to attach t

          May Green

          Subtle sound of waves

          I have to work for three days in the middle of the holidays, so today is one of those work day. (I can’t really call this week Golden Week). Last weekend, we drove to a park where we could see the ocean from the top. Then, we went down a hi

          Subtle sound of waves

          Get ready

          I often wonder why I have such strange dream. Don’t you think I have odd dreams so frequently? In last night’s dream, tiny little octopuses stuck to my sleeves (very disgusting). Ewww, I don’t want to even remember it. Then, the scene chang

          Get ready


          やっと、遂に、まだ何も始まっていないけれど。 一年半も前から叶えたいと思っていたことが、今着々と進んでおりまして、それも急に。わ〜、嬉しいなぁ、最近の口癖は「ワクワクする」になっている。気づけば口からこぼれている、微かな、ちょっとぎこちない、小気味悪い笑みと共に! それも〜〜、ナント〜〜、 今年の11月、オーストラリアに移住します!🐨 正確にいうと、ワーキングホリデーという制度を使って、オーストラリアに1年間ほど滞在します。今は社会人三年目ですが(Time flies…
