
Nice teacher

Yesterday, I had a conversation with an Egyptian during an English lesson about sports. I feel embarrassed as I remember my English. Even though writing English feels a bit comfortable for me, speaking it is still a huge and difficult challenge, like a brick wall standing in front of me. The reason why I feel ashamed is that when we talked about basketball, I said something like ‘I feel like I didn’t have a knack for playing it coz I’m not an aggressive kinda person, and it’s difficult to move forward toward the enemy teams.’ Doesn’t my English sound strange? Well, I know it’s a part of the process of learning a new language, making tons of mistakes and feeling ashamed many times. So, I wonder if I should have said, 'It's hard for me to confront against the opposing sides.' Ah! I mean, I struggle to push through the opposing team. Fair enough. By the way, Egyptian seems to have a strong English accent. It felt something like they added voiced consonant sounds to thier English. Interesting to observe their accents! He was really a nice teacher with a calm personality and charming smile.

Have a lovely day.

[ New Words ]
・voiced consonant sounds : 濁点?



