






Shostakovich's Tragic Symphony: Mravinsky's True Voice

Shostakovich was a composer who lived during the era of Stalin, who is considered the greatest genocide of the 20th century. He struggled to write his own music within the constraints of socialist realism, which forced him to comply with Stalin's wishes. He was not at peace with being recognized as a success, and his reputation changed depending on the political situation. He was forced to change his creative attitude like a chameleon.

However, after Stalin's death in 1953, he moved up his schedule and wrote his Tenth Symphony. This work reflects Stalin's pessimistic state of mind, perhaps realizing that nothing would change even with Stalin's death. The contrast between the sadness that crawls to the depths of the earth and the cries of abjection are vividly developed, forming what could be called a symphony of life without an exit. He is a composer who did not forget his love even in harsh times, including messages to his loved ones, but overall it has the atmosphere of a positive and negative requiem for himself. . As a result, all the songs are filled with gloom, as if they were completely unaware of the audience.

The first performance was performed by Mravinsky, a giant in the Russian conducting world. He is said to be the conductor that Shostakovich trusted the most, and the conductor that he detested, but as expected, the performance of this giant of the Russian conducting world reproduced his works with a wonderful sense of urgency and virtuosity. This drama, worthy of a historical masterpiece, will leave the listener overwhelmed with emotion. You could say that his performance pursues the true human voice, free from pretense.

Mravinsky's performance shows us that the inner world of people who live in silence, with no smiles, no displays of happiness, and no triumphant chants, may be unexpectedly like this. His performance is a masterpiece that perfectly depicts the unspoken tragedy, and seems to be a true voice that mysteriously resonates with the sense of loneliness that listeners living in modern times inevitably feel. His performance reflects the tragedy of a time when it was dangerous to even defend the castle of his heart.

In this article, we introduced the performance of Shostakovich's Symphony No. 10 by the Leningrad Philharmonic conducted by Mravinsky. This performance is a masterpiece that expresses Shostakovich's tragic symphony in true voice. I highly recommend this album to anyone who wants to listen to Shostakovich's symphonies from a new perspective. You can listen to it on YouTube, so please check it out.




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