
ロンドン在住english beginner traveler 英語勉強したい人一緒に…


ロンドン在住english beginner traveler 英語勉強したい人一緒にやりましょう! London で学んだ英語とかeurope travel について英語で書いていくのでよかったらご覧ください🤞🥳 🇹🇼🇪🇸🇭🇰🇨🇳🇬🇧🇺🇸🇦🇺🇮🇹🇬🇺🇻🇳


Barcelona 2

hey guys im 36 how r y going?😙 im writing down in Athens airport, drinking cora🤙🏻 all right let's get started in this post, I gonna show the famous building “la Sagrada Familia” anyway just watch the pics below When I look at it at firs

    • Travel to Barcelona 🇪🇸 1

      Hi, guys im 36 (it is not real name u know 😂) I'm on 10days holiday 🤙 amazing init 🥳 the first country is Spain 🇪🇸 @barcelona when u hear the city, what comes up to your mind? to me, that's a beach!! so firstly I went to Platja de la Barce

    Barcelona 2