外国人の方が韓国人よりも韓国を知っている場合がある(There are cases where foreigners know more than their own citizens)

他の韓国人の友達にその意味を尋ねましたが、意見が異なるか、はっきり分からないという反応でした。私はほんのり青いと考えていましたが、友達の中には、もともと青くないものが青く見えるという理論的な説明をする友達もいました。辞書を調べると、「조금 푸르다」(少し青い)と書かれています。しかし、푸르다自体は青色を指すものではありません。ただし、辞書は「slightly blue」として青色と呼んでいます。青い色は空と関連しており、青色は海と関連していると私の考えです。
やはり辞書で「푸르다」だけを調べると、blueだけでなくgreenの意味でも使用されていることがわかりました。「소나무는 1년내내 푸르다(松は1年中푸르다 )」のように使われると、greenの意味です。そのため、「푸르스름하다」の意味を確実に定義するのは簡単ではないようです。
There are cases where foreigners know more than the locals, especially in terms of tourist attractions or language. Foreigners who frequently visit well-known tourist destinations often have a better understanding of places that locals may not have had the opportunity to explore due to time constraints. This is also true for language; there are words or expressions in a native language that locals might not be familiar with but are well-known to foreigners.
For example, a Japanese friend asked about the specific color represented by the Korean word '푸르스름하다 (pureuseureumhada),' and I, as a Korean, was unsure of the exact shade. While some of my Korean friends also couldn't provide a clear answer, one friend attempted a theoretical explanation. He suggested that it refers to a color that appears to be slightly blue but is not originally blue. It was intriguing to see how different perspectives and interpretations could arise.
Searching in a dictionary, the definition of '푸르스름하다' was given as 'slightly blue.' However, '푸르다' itself does not necessarily mean blue; rather, it is a nuanced expression that can be associated with both blue and green. The cultural differences in color perception between Korea and countries like the United States were also noted, with the latter being known for a broader and more detailed spectrum of color expressions.
Another interesting point raised by a friend was the difficulty in distinguishing between the meanings of '물 (mul)' representing water and '불 (bul)' representing fire during a conversation. This difficulty was compared to the challenge of distinguishing between the English sounds 'r' and 'l.' The suggestion was to focus on understanding the context within the entire sentence, rather than getting bogged down by memorizing individual words, in order to enhance foreign language learning more efficiently.(Q's hope)
