
24|UIUX design|English 2022.10~|🇦🇺 ワーホリ 2024…


24|UIUX design|English 2022.10~|🇦🇺 ワーホリ 2024.11~|普段は英語で日記を書いています 🌒


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    since 2022, Oct~


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新年、明けましておめでとうございます。 おめでとうの言葉が言いにくいって悲しいものね。気持ちばかりの募金しかできないけれど、平穏で安らかな日々がいち早く皆さまのもとに訪れるようにとただ祈っております。 さてさて毎年恒例、今年度の抱負とやらを先に note で整理しようかな〜と思っております。週末の三連休でもう少し具体的に、Rollbahn のスケジュール帳にもまとめたいところ。色々あって、年始早々頭の中がこんがらがっている。誰かに相談するよりも先に、文字として書き込み、とり

    • I'm always myself

      Today, I’m going to apply for a passport at city hall in between work. On a different note, when scrolling through X(Twitter), there are negative comments or posts mixed in , and it really can wear me out at times. I’m not kind of the perso

      • May Green

        May has begun, and all around, lush plants are in full bloom, wafting their sweet smell through the air. Meanwhile, whenever May approaches, I’m reminded of a key holder wth a letter “五月病です” that my elementary school friend used to attach t

        • Subtle sound of waves

          I have to work for three days in the middle of the holidays, so today is one of those work day. (I can’t really call this week Golden Week). Last weekend, we drove to a park where we could see the ocean from the top. Then, we went down a hi

        • 固定された記事



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        • english


          Get ready

          I often wonder why I have such strange dream. Don’t you think I have odd dreams so frequently? In last night’s dream, tiny little octopuses stuck to my sleeves (very disgusting). Ewww, I don’t want to even remember it. Then, the scene chang

          Get ready


          やっと、遂に、まだ何も始まっていないけれど。 一年半も前から叶えたいと思っていたことが、今着々と進んでおりまして、それも急に。わ〜、嬉しいなぁ、最近の口癖は「ワクワクする」になっている。気づけば口からこぼれている、微かな、ちょっとぎこちない、小気味悪い笑みと共に! それも〜〜、ナント〜〜、 今年の11月、オーストラリアに移住します!🐨 正確にいうと、ワーキングホリデーという制度を使って、オーストラリアに1年間ほど滞在します。今は社会人三年目ですが(Time flies…


          Stray dog

          Guess, why I'm so excited. Today, the sun is finally out! I was awakened by the sun with gorgeous and glorious sunshine peaking through the curtains. The sun has huge power to cheer us up and lift us from the depths of negative feelings. My

          Stray dog


          Ohh, I forgot to do morning journaling this morning. It’s becoming a part of morning routine since about a month ago! I started it to prepare myself for starting the day with peaceful and positive mind. Actually, in the morning, I have less

          Out of options

          It’s raining another day. It seems like I haven’t greeted the sun for quite some time, even though the rainy season hasn’t begun yet. Speaking of which, Golden Week is almost here! but unfortunately, I don't have any plans for the special w

          Out of options


          I’ve finally decided to move to Australia this Autumn, depending on how things fall into place with my work situation or visa application. Right now, I'm just trying to commit to my decision. I have a bunch of concerns about life there, lik

          The Law of Attraction

          Have you ever heard of ‘The Law of Attraction’? I have a book about it bought a few years ago from a secondhand bookstore. In a nutshell, it suggests that everything happens in life depends on how you think or perceive things, and positive

          The Law of Attraction

          A strong ally

          Last night, the new music video from ‘Creep Hyp’, the Japanese rock band I’ve obsessed with since high school, was released on YouTube, and it was extremely amazing! While my obsession with them is not as intense as it was in high school, I

          A strong ally


          高校受験は落ちた、悔しくなかった。だって努力しなかったから。 友達の受験番号は紙の上にあった。ホッとした表情を浮かべながら、小さな声で「よし。」と呟いていた。でも、"別の友達"が私立専願ですでに合格していたことを知っていたし、合否なんてどちらでも良かった。馬鹿なわたしは、私立高校にかかる莫大な金額のことなんか頭になく、当たり前のように落ちて、当たり前のように私立高校の特進コースに進学する道を選んだ。 「特進コース」なんて言うけれど、勉強は好きじゃなかったし、というか、勉強の


          It costs you everything

          Even though I unintentionally woke up at midnight ones as I was worn out and fell asleep before 9 PM yesterday, I’m feeling awesome this morning! You know, I was supposed to abandon a plan due to some unfavorable reasons coming up. But in

          It costs you everything

          Solid stone

          I haven’t recently been getting enough sleep, and I think it’s because I tend to overthink things. I feel like in Japan, people tend to stick to age. You know, we put huge emphasis on it. Someone persists; ‘People should get married, have a

          Solid stone

          A wise choice

          I’ve been at a loss, as you may know. Despite considering a working holiday in Australia in 2025, it seems quite challenging to find jobs and housing from what I’ve heard. Besides, immigrant measures have been getting stricter and stricter

          A wise choice