
ベートーヴェン生誕250年Beethoven 250th Birthday






I assume a lot happened this year, but did you know that this year is  also a year of 250th birthday of Beethoven!?

When you hear Beethoven, you might imagine something dark and heavy like the main melody of "Symphony No. 5" fate. However, he composed very universal and clam pieces such as "Pastoral",  "Emperor" and so on. I went to "Symphony No.9" concert the other day (In Japan, Symphony No. 9 is often played at the end of year). Can you imagine composing such a cheerful piece even when he was hearing impaired? That made me realized how impeccable he was.

There are parts that I can hear darkness and struggles in his music, but there are usually parts that come out from the darkness. I think that makes his music more attractive.

There might be people who are struggling now, but things will turn around someday. You are not alone in this journey. Anyway, Beethoven is such an amazing composer who extensively expressed all the emotion that human beings have.

2020 is almost over though please enjoy Beethoven when you get a chance.
