
[Pandemic LIE] Don’t you think it’s ODD to lose your hair, sense of taste/smell etc. due to a virus that’s never been isolated??

Sometime, I wish my precious ally Dr./Major Doug Rokke who was killed last January were still alive. At the same time, I wish that great Bill Cooper were still alive.

“…Read everything, listen to everybody, don’t trust anything unless you can prove it with your own research.”

He could tell who is not genuine, like Icke or Alex Jones. And Bill must have done something, must have organized some militia movement, must have helped me spread the fact about GOVisCO Fraud,

Traitorous Fraud: Governments are COMPANIES!!

and fight against them ever more.

In the meantime, I’m sure many of you have been watching various videos related with what Bryan Ardis revealed. I myself examined some facts, and found below.

Venom Types and Their Effects on Humans
Timothy Zedi Uncategorized

I saw many report telling that they taste somewhat metallic after the shot/s.
at the bottom below,

And don’t you think that the images below remind you of the victims of CON-Venom shot/s?


Grossly ruined finger tips by the shot/s…

Shame we cannot “take a photograph of the snake”,

Symptoms and First Aid

Also, super long clotted artery (Iliac Artery) seen during the autopsy…
There was a short video probably on Twitter but it seems they deleted it.

Next, this one

Long-term health complications following snake envenoming

Can you read there?


Of the 816 participants who were identified as ever snakebite victims, 112 (13.7%) presented with at least one snakebite-related long-term health complication. Among them, “migraine-like-syndrome” characterized by headache vertigo, and photosensitivity to sunlight was found in 46 (5.6%); musculoskeletal disorders such as pain, local swelling, muscle weakness, deformities, contractures, and amputations were found in 26 (3.2%); visual impairment in 21 (2.6%); acute kidney injury in 4 (0.5%); skin blisters at the bite site in 5 (0.6%); psychological distress in 2 (0.2%); hemiplegia in 1 (0.1%); right-side facial nerve palsy in 1 (0.1%); paresthesia over bite site in 1 (0.1%); generalized shivering in 1 (0.1%); and chronic nonhealing ulcer in 1 (0.1%). Interestingly, 31 (3.8%) reported nonspecific somatic symptoms such as abdominal colic, chest tightness, wheezing, receding gums, excessive hair loss, and lassitude with body aches following the bite. The average duration of symptoms since snakebite was 12.7 years (SD=11.7).
(end of copy&paste)

Talking about “hair loss”, I’ve seen many, many tweets on that “after the shot/s” but I remember they were telling us that is a symptom of ‘corona’ to begin with. That tells us that they’re using the same POISON.

Some from Tweets in Japanese, a man in his 40’s.
A week after the shot, he started losing hair...

It doesn’t say her age, but I don’t think she is that old…

“It’s been 7 months since I started losing my hair and it’s now recovering”
but ALL GRAY!!

I don’t know this person is a man or a woman (below), but it’s HORRIFIC.

The account name contains, “Got BALD due to the VAX”.
And I assume below is a girl. Hash tags tell she got the shot/s.

Another study I found,


I saw many more related with loss of vision. One of them

“My mother lost the right half of her sight on her both eyes.”
And Anosmia (loss of the sense of SMELL) and weird TASTE

Long-term Effects of Snake Envenoming

A young man, my neighbor who works in a local school told me that his very good friend in the U.K. got corona and lost his sense of taste. On top, it was a requirement to keep his job, so he got two.

But DON’T YOU THINK it’s ODD to have such ‘symptoms’ like above from a RESPIRATORY Virus!??? it JUST DOESN’T MAKE ANY SENSE but Brainless Zombies hardly ever question.

Below shows the reported number of Myocarditis in Japan.
Left figure tells the year.
i.e. in 2020, it was only 58 but in 2021 went up to 15,531!!

Notorious COMPANY W.H.O. sent Smallpox VAX for 50 million in Africa, and the result was published on the Times (U.K.) on May 11, 1987… The title reads:

Smallpox vaccine “triggered Aids virus”

Another courageous Funeral Service wrote it on their vehicle!!

While the psychopaths are like…

Egyptian FAKE President,

Japanese FAKE PM, getting the shot with a TRANSPARENT syringe.

Though the FAKE Prime Minister’s Office shows,

The 100th Prime Minister Fumio Kishida
Period in Office: October 4, 2021 to November 10, 2021
Days in Office: 38 DAYS


Then, who is that man?? of yet another traitorous COMPANY…

And his left eye looks seriously droopy.




Left Eyes

Droopy Eyes

While Australian counterpart are CUNNINGLY EVADING the VENOM SHOTS,

It does not include people employed by the Australian government or people connected to court proceedings.

And you still think these traitors are caring about your health??

They are TRAITOROUS, FRAUDULENT, CRIMINAL COMPANY with NO AUTHORITY. They have loosened up some restriction for up-coming ELECTION (which is NULL & VOID), but after that and after them signing the W.H.O.’s Pandemic Treaty, they will start another FAKE Pandemic all over again!! Mark my words and share this with everyone you know. Do your bits to wake up more everyday, not only on the net but in real life, and say the Secret with genuine emotion of joy and gratitude, believing it’s already happened.

And please click that pink heart or clapping image towards the bottom. ;o)
