
【ビジ英徹底復習】 L11 Animal Translator 動物の「言葉」を解する

- 動物の言語を解読する技術が進歩した場合、飼い主はペットの気持ちや意図を正確に理解できるようになる。これにより、より深いつながりを築くことができるだろう。
- 動物のコミュニケーション方法の理解が深まることで、人間と動物のコラボレーションが進む可能性がある。例えば、動物が特定のタスクを行うための指示を受け、共同作業を行うことができる。
- 動物のコミュニケーションパターンを解読することで、異種間のコミュニケーションが可能になる。例えば、人間が動物と対話し、自然災害の予兆を察知することができるかもしれない。
- 動物の言葉を解読する技術が進歩すれば、動物保護団体は動物の欲求や苦痛に敏感になり、より適切なケアを提供できるようになる。これにより、動物の福祉が向上する可能性がある。
- 動物の言葉を解読する技術が進歩すれば、研究者は動物の行動や生態系に関する重要な情報を得ることができる。これにより、自然保護や環境保護の取り組みが強化される可能性がある。

Hello everyone,

★100 words summary

The conversation explores the complexity of animal communication and the challenges of creating a functional animal translator.

While humans have highly developed language systems, animals communicate through various calls, gestures, and movements. Ide, part of a study group on animal communication, highlights the difficulties in decoding animal language and the limitations of current translation tools.

The discussion touches on the fascination with understanding animals, the potential differences in communication, and the importance of existing methods for pet owners to comprehend their pets' behavior.

The prospect of a fully functional animal translator remains uncertain, contingent on advancements in research and technology.

★Here are ten relatively advanced words and expressions from the conversation, explained in Japanese:

  1. Nuanced (微妙な): 複雑で微妙な違いを含んだ

  2. Foraging activities (餌探しの活動): 食物を見つけるための行動

  3. Pheromones (フェロモン): 動物が発する化学物質で、他の個体に影響を与える

  4. Number crunching (数値計算): 大量の数値データを処理すること

  5. Eavesdrop (盗み聞きする): 他人の会話をこっそり聞く

  6. Linguistics (言語学): 言語の構造や使用に関する研究

  7. Cryptography (暗号学): 情報を保護するための暗号化技術

  8. Aspire to knowledge (知識を志す): 知識を得ようと努力する

  9. Inquisitive (好奇心旺盛な): 多くの質問をする傾向がある

  10. Breakthroughs (突破口): 進歩や発見の大きな進展

★Small Talk "ZA-TSU-DA-N"


  1. "Hey, have you ever wondered about how animals communicate and if they have languages like humans?"

  2. "Do you think animals have their own languages, or is it just a form of basic communication?"

  3. "Speaking of pets, what do you think about the idea of translating animal sounds and understanding what they're saying?"

  4. "Have you ever used or heard about those apps claiming to translate what pets are saying? What are your thoughts on them?"

  5. "Considering your interest in language and communication, what's your take on the possibility of humans communicating with animals in the future?"

★Sample small talk

Hiro: Hey, Akira, did you read that conversation about animal communication?

Akira: Yeah, I did. It's fascinating how animals have different ways of communicating, right?

Hiro: Totally! Like bees using dance and pheromones or dolphins with clicks and whistles.

Akira: And that part about trying to translate what pets are saying using AI apps. Have you heard about those before?

Hiro: Yeah, they mentioned it in the conversation. Apparently, they're not very accurate. Janet tried one on her cat, and it sometimes confused happiness with pain.

Akira: That's funny. I wonder if we'll ever have a reliable way to understand what our pets are thinking.

Hiro: Kyohei, one of the guys in the conversation, is part of a study group using machine learning to decode animal communication.

Akira: That's cool! They're eavesdropping on rats, bats, crows, and whales. Can you imagine understanding what all those animals are saying?

Hiro: It sounds like a complex task. They're even trying to interpret Max, Tim's dog, through technology.

Akira: Right, and Tim wants to know what Max thinks of them and if he has any suggestions to make his life better.

Hiro: I find it interesting that animals, despite being our companions for thousands of years, still have a lot about their communication that we don't understand.

Akira: Definitely. Kyohei mentioned that animals haven't asked the question "Why?" like humans do. It's a bit thought-provoking.

Hiro: Yeah, it makes you wonder about the depth of animal cognition and language.

Akira: Do you think we'll ever have a device that can truly translate what animals are saying?

Hiro: Kyohei seems a bit skeptical. He thinks it's a few decades away, if even possible. The field of animal translation is still new.

Akira: True. For now, we'll have to rely on traditional methods, like understanding body language and vocalizations.

Hiro: It's a bit challenging, but maybe in the future, we'll have a clearer picture of what our animal friends are trying to tell us.

Akira: Let's keep an eye on advancements in animal communication research. It's a topic that keeps getting more interesting.

★Related Websites

AI in Animal Communication:

How Scientists Are Using AI Tech To Communicate With Animals

Animal Language and Behavior:


Subject: Decoding Animal Communication: A Glimpse into the World of Animal Talk

Hello everyone,

In our recent conversation, we explored the fascinating realm of animal communication. While humans use a sophisticated language system, other species also have unique ways of conveying information. Let's delve into some key points discussed:

  1. Animal Communication Overview:

    • Animals communicate through various calls, movements, and odors.

    • Unlike human language, their signals are often restricted to specific activities like foraging, mating, and warning about predators.

  2. Species-Specific Communication:

    • Chimpanzees use vocalizations and gestures for danger and food alerts.

    • Bees employ dances and pheromones to share information about food sources.

    • Dolphins communicate through clicks, whistles, and body language to convey location and food presence.

  3. Decoding Animal Communication:

    • Humans attempt to decode animal calls using machine learning algorithms.

    • Challenges arise due to the complexity and variability of animal communication.

  4. AI-Powered Pet Translation Apps:

    • AI apps claim to translate pet sounds, but accuracy remains a challenge.

    • Current attempts involve analyzing sound patterns to interpret emotions or messages.

  5. The Human-Animal Bond:

    • The pandemic led to a surge in pet adoptions, emphasizing the importance of animal companionship.

    • Pets, especially dogs, contribute to owners' well-being and mental health.

  6. Challenges in Teaching Animals Human Language:

    • Efforts to teach animals basic language have had limited success.

    • Animals haven't demonstrated the ability to ask complex questions like "Why?"

  7. The Future of Animal Translation:

    • Animal translation tools are in early stages, and breakthroughs are needed.

    • A fully functional animal translator may be decades away, if possible at all.

  8. Understanding Pets:

    • Observing pets' behavior, obedience training, and interpreting body language remain crucial for pet owners.

In conclusion, while the dream of conversing with animals through technology persists, the complexities of animal communication pose significant challenges. As technology and research progress, we may unlock more mysteries of the animal kingdom.

Best regards,
Kyohei Ide and the Study Group
