
【ビジ英徹底復習】 L4 Anime, Manga and Pop Culture

Hello everyone.



















Words and Expressions

  • Swirl around: This phrase means to move or circulate around something or someone in a swirling or rotating motion. In the conversation, it refers to the flood of Japanese words circulating in the house due to the children's interest in anime and manga.

  • Be hooked on: This expression means to be strongly addicted to or obsessed with something. In the conversation, it describes the children's strong interest and obsession with anime and manga.

  • Drop Nihongo words into conversation: This means to incorporate Japanese words into a conversation, even if others may not understand them. In the conversation, it refers to how the children use Japanese words while speaking, regardless of whether the listeners comprehend them or not.

  • Impressionable: This term describes someone who is easily influenced or susceptible to being influenced by others or external factors. In the conversation, it refers to young audiences who are easily influenced by the coolness and accessibility of anime and manga.

  • Be billed as: This phrase means to be promoted or advertised as a particular thing or described in a certain way. In the conversation, it indicates that the manga exhibition at the British Museum was promoted or advertised as the largest exhibition of manga outside Japan.

  • Gateway to: This phrase refers to something that serves as an entry point or introduction to another thing or concept. In the conversation, it describes how anime and manga act as a means of introducing people to Japanese culture and generating interest in it.

  • Thematic: This adjective relates to themes or subjects. In the conversation, it describes the styles of manga and anime, indicating that they have distinctive and specific themes.

  • Take the world by storm: This expression means to become extremely popular or successful worldwide in a short period. In the conversation, it describes how manga has become a global phenomenon, gaining immense popularity.

  • Collected work: This term refers to a compilation or complete set of someone's works or creations. In the conversation, it is mentioned in the context of a manga version of Shakespeare's collected works, indicating a compilation of all his plays in manga form.

  • Alliterative: This adjective describes the occurrence of the same sound or letter at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words. In the conversation, it refers to the phrase "head honcho," which is an example of alliteration.

  • Monosodium glutamate: This is a compound commonly known as MSG and is used as a flavor enhancer in food. In the conversation, it is mentioned as one of the components that create the taste sensation called umami.

  • Distasteful: This adjective describes something that is unpleasant, offensive, or offensive to the senses. In the conversation, it is used to express discomfort regarding the misuse or insensitive usage of the word "tsunami" in certain contexts.

  • Insensitive: This adjective describes a lack of awareness or consideration for others' feelings or perspectives. In the conversation, it refers to the usage of the word "tsunami" in expressions that may disregard the tragic nature of the event.

  • Discomfort: This noun refers to a feeling of unease, awkwardness, or slight pain. In the conversation, it is used to express the speaker's uneasy or unpleasant feelings regarding the usage of certain words.

  • On a more pleasant note: This phrase is used to transition to a more positive or enjoyable topic or point of discussion. In the conversation, it is used to shift the focus to something more positive after discussing discomforting aspects.

  • Find one's way into: This phrase means to become incorporated or introduced into a particular context or environment. In the conversation, it describes how certain Japanese words, like "senpai," have become part of the English language and have been included in major dictionaries.

  • Be friends with: This phrase means to have a friendly relationship or be on friendly terms with someone. In the conversation, it is used to explain one of the interpretations of "senpai" in the context of anime fans wanting to befriend or admire someone.

★Small Talk "ZA-TSU-DA-N"

(1) "I noticed in the conversation that there are several Japanese words that have become popular in English. Have you come across any Japanese words that have entered other languages?"
(2) "The conversation mentioned the growing popularity of anime and manga. Are you a fan of any specific anime or manga series?"
(3) "Learning a new language can sometimes be challenging. Have you ever tried learning a language that you found more difficult than expected?"
(4) "The influence of Japanese culture seems to be spreading globally through anime and manga. Is there a particular aspect of Japanese culture that interests you?"
(5) "It's interesting how certain words from one language make their way into another. Can you think of any examples of words from your native language that have become commonly used in English?"

Hiro: Hey Akira, I just read this interesting conversation about the influence of anime and manga on Japanese culture. Did you know that manga accounts for over 40% of all publications sold in Japan?

Akira: Really? That's incredible! I had no idea it was such a significant part of the publishing industry. It's amazing how popular manga has become.

Hiro: Absolutely. And it's not just popular in Japan. The conversation mentioned that manga has attracted a global fan base. People all over the world, of all ages, are reading manga. It's become a gateway to Japanese culture.

Akira: That's so cool. I've always been a fan of anime and manga, and it's fascinating to see how it's spreading and influencing other cultures. Did you know that there was a manga exhibition at the British Museum in London?

Hiro: Yes, I read about that too. It was described as the largest manga exhibition ever held outside of Japan. It just goes to show how much interest there is in Japanese manga and its artistic style.

Akira: Definitely. And manga isn't just for entertainment. It's also used as an educational tool. In Japan, it's widely used to explain complex subjects like history, science, and social issues.

Hiro: That's true. It's interesting how manga has evolved from being seen as something that would make kids "dumb" to now being recognized as a valuable teaching aid. It's great to see it being appreciated in that way.

Akira: I completely agree. It's impressive how manga has become such a versatile medium. Oh, and did you know that there are even manga adaptations of classic literature, like Shakespeare's works?

Hiro: Yes, I found that fascinating too. It just shows how manga has become a platform for all kinds of stories and genres. It's a testament to its wide appeal and adaptability.

Akira: Definitely. I'm really glad we got to learn more about the impact of anime and manga on Japanese culture. It's such an interesting and influential aspect of our language and society.

Hiro: Absolutely. It makes me appreciate anime and manga even more. I'm proud to be a fan and to see how it's spreading the richness of Japanese culture around the world.
