
Author Addendum to the 2021 Message #1 / 執筆者による、2021年のメッセージへの補遺

(from Pooh Cat Isle

*This is an additional to the linked article.
  これは下の記事 (リンク先) への 追加補遺 です。
*Dec. 15, 2022, first part partially revised.

     Plans for Postings / 掲載の予定
   This article will be posted in four parts. (TBD)
#1. Introduction and some asides 
#2. My misunderstanding or their secret, in 2021
#3. One mystery solved, another one raised
#4. As soon as the last key appeared, all were connected
  by a single thread.

Introduction and some asides / 序文と余談

 I myself had never re-read that message text since the incident. I did not even open the file because it reminded of pain and deep sorry for wasting the time and efforts of my collaborators in a result of my direction.

 The deletion itself was not entirely unforeseen, I had considered such a possibility, but it was only a possibility.
 That was a tribute (or homage) to all parties concerned, including the rights holders, and we are both lovers of music, lovers of marching, and above all, lovers of the success of that significant competition― I thought such.

 Therefore, I rather considered it was more possibly that the rights holders would not exercise their rights immediately, just as the GBA (Green Band Association) and JAL (Japan Air Line Co., Ltd.) did not and are reserving with the "Fireball" video. (We are grateful and respectful to them.).
 Or, even if they did, I expected and had hoped that they would turn a blind eye for a week or so.
  ですので私はむしろ、権利者の皆さんが直 (す) ぐには権利行使をしない可能性の方が高いだろうと考えていました――『ファイアーボール』の動画に対して、GBA(日米グリーンバンド協会)やJAL(日本航空株式会社)の皆さんが権利を留保し続けておられるように。 (それらの皆さんに対し私達は感謝と敬意を表明します)。

 A week was never long but I thought that it would be enough time at least to reach only the most dedicated brass band and marching fans.
 "Even if it could only live for a week...", with that in mind, we made such a laborious video. This is because we wanted to convey the beauty of and thanks for those who working together in difficult times, in the midst of the pandemic.
  1週間は決して長くはありません、しかし、少なくとも熱心な吹奏楽ファン、マーチングファンにだけ届くのには足りるだろうと思っていました。"たとえ1週間しか生きられないとしても・・・ " そう思いながら、あれほど手間のかかる動画を作りました。 パンデミックの真っ只中、困難な状況の中で力を合わせる人々の素晴らしさと、感謝の気持ちを伝えたかったからです。

  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・

 Anyway, I had never re-read that.
 It was some points from Poo-Cat that prompted me to do so. Poo-Cat, who is the previous administrator of the Pooh Cat Channel, he insinuated to me a kind of what he wrote in the "postscript in 2022" for the text which has reprinted last month.
 そうするきっかけになったのは、Poo-Cat からのいくつかの指摘でした。Poo-Catは、 Pooh Cat チャンネルの先代の管理者なのですが、その彼が私に仄 (ほの) めかしてくれたのです──先月復刻されたあのテキストへの "2022年の追記" として、彼が書いたようなことを。

 More specifically, he asked me about the newly turned out information about the time of the invitations to the band from Taiwan, if I have already understood what it meant. It was late October, i.e., after the band had completed its abroad tour.
  もっと具体的に言えば、彼は、台湾からバンドへの招待の時期に関する新たに判明した情報について、それが何を意味するかを私が既に理解しているかどうかを訊 (たず) ねて来ました。それは10月の後半、つまり、あのバンドが海外公演を終えた後のことでした。

( To be continued / つづく )

written by Pooh Cat 
translated to Japanese by Yu Na' 
(ⓒ2022 Pooh Cat CH & Isle)

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 please visit the home page of the main site or our channel community.
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