
(#5) Author Addendum to the 2021 Message #5 / 執筆者による、2021年のメッセージへの補遺 #5

(from Pooh Cat Isle

      <Plans for Postings / 掲載の予定>
     This Article will be posted in 7-parts. (TBD)
    この補遺は、7回に分けて投稿されます。 (予定)

#1. Introduction and some asides 
#2. Two big waves struck the band, and my misunderstanding
#3. Continued from #2
#4. Continued from #3
#5. Continued from #4
#6. One mystery solved, another one raised
#7. As soon as the last key appeared, all were connected by a single thread.

Continued from #4 / #4の続き
(Two big waves struck the band, and my misunderstanding
  バンドを襲った二つの大波、そして私の誤解 )

 However,after all these hardships, the performance by the 2021 band in the contest was much greater than I had feared. I was moved when they performed the dance steps of "Sing, Sing, Sing!", though it was only a few bars.
  しかし、そのような苦難の末の、2021年のコンテストにおける彼らのパフォーマンスは、私が心配していたよりずっと素晴らしいものでした。わずか数小節とはいえ演じられた、『Sing, Sing, Sing!』のダンス・ステップにも感激させられました。

 Writing about the dance performance, it was certainly not up to the standard it was before the big waves. However, we outsiders didn't certainly know whether that was due to intentional choices or unintentional damage, and the band itself must be more aware of that fact than we were, so I didn't think there was much point in mentioning it.

 Rather, I was focusing on the points where the band has surpassed its predecessor. For example, the band's sound has become more melodic and symphonic. Or, for example, I was moved at the choreography of the color guard, which is very sophisticated and visually effective in its expression of the music's inflections.

 As I quoted in the message video recently released, the ballet-like scene of color guard standing still on one leg at the same time as the music rests was particularly imprinted in my heart[*3] .  
   先日公開したメッセージ動画にも引用しましたが、音楽が止まると同時にカラーガードが片足立ちで静止するバレエのようなシーンは、特に心に焼き付きました[*3] 。

 Just one thing that didn't sit well with me was the impression I had that the flow of the program was not smooth, especially in logical terms. This has been a long story, but it brings us back to the beginning of this section.

  ・ ・ ・

 It is customary for the band's performances for the contest to have a cleverly designed story flow around a single theme, and one of my pleasures is to find the "keys" that made up that flow. Each key can be a song title, a formation, the mood of the song, the choreography... I mean, it varies, so it is as much fun as solving a puzzle or riddle.
  コンテストにおけるこのバンドのパフォーマンスは、一つのテーマを軸にして巧妙に物語の流れが仕組まれているのが通例です。その流れを構成している「鍵」を見つけるのが私の楽しみの一つなのですが、 それぞれの鍵は、曲名だったり、隊形だったり、曲の雰囲気だったり、振り付けだったり・・・ つまり、様々な場合があるため、パズルや謎解きをするような面白さがあるのです。

 In the case of 2021, the flow was a bit unclear, or, the keys were confusing, and thus I had the impression that the story was a bit patchy.

 And yet, eventually, I had attributed the reason for this to be also due to the two waves I have been describing: "Anyway, they must have been short on time", like this.

  ・ ・ ・

 Ten months later I would come to realize that this understanding of mine was not correct. Yes, that brings us the other of the subject of this section. That is, "my misunderstanding". I had misunderstood, indeed. However, at that point it was impossible for me to get it right and know the truth, all I could do was misunderstanding.


 "There must have been a secret ’key’, that only the band and the people involved knew about".


  「バンドと関係者しか知らない、秘密の "鍵" が存在していたに違いないから」です。

 [*3] the ballet-like scene ( バレエのようなシーン)   

At the moment―
the advance in horizontal formation stopped,
the color guard stood still in a pose like a phoenix,
and the drum major raised the baton in front of her chest.
( Captured & cropped from the moment of the video,    
"Message & Information along with the song 'El Día Que Me Quieras' "
「『想いの届く日』にのせたメッセージ & お知らせ」 )


( To be continued / つづく )

written by Pooh Cat 
translated to Japanese by Yu Na' 
(ⓒ2023 Pooh Cat CH & Isle)

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#KyotoTachibana #marching #brassband #TheDayYouLoveMe #ElDiaQueMeQuieras #想いの届く日 #京都橘 #吹奏楽部 #マーチング #演奏レビュー #全国大会 #2021 #PoohCat #PooCat #YuNa #ユ・ナ )#####
