
UPDATED AHS、COVID検査で予防接種を受けていないスタッフ全員を職場復帰させる。/UPDATED: AHS backtracks, allows all unvaxxed staff back to work with COVID testing

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アルバータ州政府は、今後予想される医療システムの需要に対応するため、アルバータ州保健サービス(AHS)に対し、無給休暇を取得している(注1Note 1)フルタイムおよびパートタイムの職員1,400人全員に、COVID-19検査を選択した上で復職する機会を提供するように指示しました。



オミクロンの変種がもたらすリスクを考慮し(注2Note 2)、患者の安全を守りつつ、可能であればキャパシティを最大化し、スタッフの損失を避けるために、ポリシーを調整する必要があります。

"予防接種ポリシーは患者を第一に考えるもの(注3Note 3であり、今回の調整は、アルバータ州保健局が必要に応じてキャパシティを追加する計画をサポートすることで、引き続き患者を第一に考えるものです。"


AHSの社長兼CEOであるVerna Yiu博士は、「ここ数日、州内でオミクロン患者が急増していることを懸念しており、さらに医療システムに迅速に影響を与えることが予想されます」と述べています。


AHSが労働者とのワクチン接種方針を撤回するのは、これで3度目(注4Note 4となる。

AHSは8月31日、AHSの施設で働くすべての現場作業員、医師、看護師、契約スタッフに、10月31日までにCOVID-19の完全予防接種を義務付けると発表した。その期日を11月30日に延長したのは、「私たちの労働力を可能な限り安全で強固なものにする」ための時間を確保するためだと、AHS社長兼CEOのVerna Yiu博士は10月22日の州での演説で述べています。







(Note 1) Although it is stated that the employees are voluntarily taking unpaid leave, the fact is that no one has voluntarily taken unpaid leave, and that they are being forced by AHS not to come to work.


(Note 2) Although it is not explained here, there is a background to this policy change.
For rural towns, if medical personnel who are not vaccinated are put on unpaid leave, the medical institution itself may stop functioning. Considering the impact in that area, the AHS and the Alberta government have allowed non-vaccinated people to return to work after taking the COVID-19 test as a special exception in places where the health care facilities would stop functioning.
Because of the inequity of allowing special exceptions in some areas but not others, health care workers were ready to sue AHS and the Alberta government on the legal grounds that they have the same rights if they are in the same occupation, so it is correct to say that the Alberta government and AHS compromised. This is the correct situation.



(Note 3) It is clear that vaccination does not control infection.
The data released by the pharmaceutical companies only show the effectiveness of the vaccine in reducing the incidence of the disease, and not the incidence or severity of the disease. There is no data on the effect of suppressing infection or preventing the spread of the disease to others.

As a side note, if you want to put the patient first, you should not leave the hospital bed filled with ineffective treatment for a long time, but if you have done all you can, you should use treatment methods that have been proven effective, such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Isn't it?
I don't think the provincial government and AHS are putting patients first when they issue bans on the use of ivermectin to all physicians, and even ban pharmacists from prescribing ivermectin.
In Alberta, as of December 23, 3,299 deaths from COVID-19 have been reported, but I believe that some lives could have been saved if prescriptions for ivermectin and other drugs had been more flexible. I think it is only a matter of time before lawsuits are filed by the families of these patients.


(Note 4) In response to this policy change, many people working in the field have commented that
(1) Vaccines create antibodies, not barriers.
(2) Vaccines are made on the assumption that people will be infected.
2) Vaccines are made on the assumption that people will be infected. 3) Vaccinated people are more likely to be infected in Alberta.
In light of the above, it would be unfair for only non-vaccinated people to be tested, and there is no choice but to either have everyone tested, including vaccinated people, or not have anyone tested.
It seems to me that the majority of people are saying that either all vaccinated people should be tested or all non-vaccinated people should not be tested.
It seems a shame for the CEO of AHS to accept such a policy without even understanding the basics of vaccines.
