
March 7, 2024: Spring, Storm (春、嵐)

I was faced with a storm when I went to a barbershop the other day. It might have been too early, but it must have been a storm which ushers in spring. The storm was so strong that I was on the brink of being blown away by the wind and sometimes had to stop in the street and hang on the sticks in my hands. As soon as I managed to reach the shop, I talked about the storm with the barber. He agreed that it was the harbinger of the spring. But he told me that he had already been aware of the coming much earlier. He knew it from a sensor in his body, his nose. That is to say, he has been suffering from hay fever. So as soon as the pollen is in the air, it awakes up his nose and tells him the coming of spring. The fever is more serious for him than the spring storms and is the biggest problem. Spring storms do not last so long, but the fever tends to last and cause him to suffer much longer than the storms.
Looking back, I wonder when spring hay fever has become an epidemic. When I was young, I had never heard of the disease and had rarely seen those who suffered from it. It is a typical disease of our time, a pollution, which was caused by the government. In other words, the government had planted so many cedar trees in the mountains for a long time that the trees have come to spread too much pollen in the spring, causing many people to get cedar fever. Now, Japanese cedar has become infamous for the fever and an enemy of people in Japan. It is a great pity since the tree has been highly appreciated as a material for houses and furniture in Japan.
For now, I am lucky not to get the fever. I tend to get it for a week in April, but it is not as serious as others. Instead, I always have to fight off drowsiness. I tend to be so sleepy all day long that I have no motivation to do anything.

 思えば、花粉症はいつから広がったのでしょうか? ボクが若い頃、この病気を聞いたこともなかったし、苦しんでいる人を見たこともほとんどありませんでした。 これは、典型的な現代病で、国による公害です。国が長い間にわたり、スギの木を山に植えすぎたために、春になると大量のスギ花粉が飛散するようになり、多くの人が花粉症にかかるようになったのです。いまやスギは花粉症で悪名をとどろかせて、日本人の敵になってしまいました。日本では住宅や家具の材料として高く評価されてきただけに、非常に残念です。


