
January 2, 2024: My Routines in 2024(2024年の日課)

As usual, I continue the same routines this year as last year. On New Year’s Day, I wrote an article for ‘note’ in English and studied English grammar and maths in English. I also went for a walk and, at the same time, visited a temple near my flat. And I prayed for the health of my beloved.
I am also going to begin new things this year. First, I will read more books than before. In particular, I am going to read more English books. I will write down as much of the book as I can, which will help me improve my English writing. I will also try to read them out loud, which is what Akira-san has been doing. I hope it will enhance my English.
I will also try to attend online seminars and workshops as much as I can. Until a few years ago, I used to attend them online or offline very often but last year, I did not attend them at all. As a result, I was not able to refresh myself and had little I learnt. I will attend the first one on January 11 and report it if it has been fruitful.
I will also study geography, which was the subject I loved the most at school. For starters, I will continue to read Herder’s book, ‘Reflections on the philosophy of the history of mankind’. It has a lot of things that I need to learn geography. But it is a long book and is not easy to read. I need time and patience to read it.
Last year, I was going to start studying French this year. But I gave it up. Instead, I decided to focus on studying English more.



