
March 1, 2024: Fresh Start (心機一転)

March starts today. With the beginning of the new month, I have to make a clean start. Looking back on the last month, I had nightmares, and February was one of the worst months I have ever had. In February, I hurt my knee and am still unable to walk without a cane, even in the flat. I was also told by a doctor that a part of my knee is becoming necrotic. But fortunately, my hurt knee is gradually recovering and is much better than before. So, I expect to be able to go for a walk around my apartment with a cane soon. And I have nothing to do with the necrotic part for the time being.
So, on this day when March begins, I am determined to make a clean start without being tied to the past. The key lies in keeping a positive mind. Without the mind, I will not be able to satisfy myself, no matter what I do.
In the past, I lost that mind and had been faced with emotionally exhausting times. During these times, I was out of motivation and spent those days doing nothing but what I had to do as a minimum. They were the darkest days of my life, and I am determined not to go through that again. Thus, I will encourage myself and keep telling myself to keep a fighting spirit: never give up, nothing is impossible. Keeping that positive mind, I will try to enjoy everyday life.



