
Day 8

I hadn’t a plan for today.
I could wake up around 7AM.
I decided to go to library at Paramatta where is far from home about 40min.

Paramatta is the biggest town around our house. There is built a lot of modern facilities as Paramatta Stadium.

Paramatta Library is also modern facility.
So clean and useful for me. I’ll often came to here for studying.

from outside the library

I ate 2 small scorns and 2 apples.
That’s enough for me.
If I eat more, I can’t focus to study.

Today’s schedule

9:15 AM- 5:00PM Studying at library

Weekly costs

I could confirm to the costs per week in Sydney. I’m living with host family, so I don’t need to pay daily meals and rent.
I guess I need to pay around $100 every week. If I go to the theater once a week, I need to pay as additional costs around $70.

Public Transportation $50
fees are limited to $50 per week.
If I use it many times, I don’t need to pay more.

Lunch $35 (Mon $15+ Wed $20)
I don’t have lunch normally.
If I meet friends, I’ll go to eat.

Dinner $10
My host family provides dinner until 8PM. If I go to theatre I need to eat something at outside.

Others $60
This is the first week. So I needed to buy daily necessities.

Laundry $11
We have to pay myself for laundry fees.

Tickets $144(55+89)
This week I went to theatre twice.
“Singing in the Rain” had no discount.





9:15 AM- 5:00 PM 図書館で勉強



公共交通機関 50 ドル
料金は 1 週間 50 ドルに制限されていて、何度使用しても、それ以上支払う必要はありません。

昼食 35 ドル (月 15 ドル + 水 20 ドル)

夕食 10 ドル
ホストファミリーは 20 時まで夕食を用意してくれます。劇場に行く場合は、外で食べる必要がある。

その他 60 ドル

洗濯 11 ドル

チケット 144 ドル (55 ドル + 89 ドル)
今週は劇場に 2 回。
