
英語教育・英語学習に関する独り言27 ー 模擬TOEFL問題作成について③

前々回の記事前回の記事で、なんとなくTOEFLっぽいアカデミック・パッセージの作り方のイメージは湧いただろうか。今度は、リスニングをどう作るかについてシェアしてみたい。2~3年前だとTTSMP3.com やら Voicemaker でコツコツと音声を作って、それを bearaudio でコツコツ編集していたが、音声生成系AIの登場で、ここも格段に変わった。が、まずはその前にTOEFLリスニング作成の考え方について。

まず、TOEFL iBTのリスニングは大きく二つに分けられる。一つはアカデミックなもの。もう一つはキャンパス・シチュエーションのもの。前者は教室内での授業。後者は学生同士の会話や学生と教員の会話、学生と大学職員、カウンセラー、図書館員、食堂のワーカーなど大学で働く人たちとの会話など。こちらのキャンパス・シチュエーションの会話は、個人的にはあんまり作ろうという気にならない。自分が大学で実際に教えているからか、作りたいのは圧倒的にアカデミックなマテリアル。この教室内の授業も、実は大きく二つに分けられる。1つは教員が延々としゃべるレクチャー。リスニングの direction が Listen to part of a lecture in a 〇〇 class. というやつだ。もう1つはディスカッション。教員の講義に対して学生(しばしば男1人&女1人)が適宜に質問をしたり感想を言ったりするもの。direction が Listen to part of a discussion in a 〇〇 class. というもの。個人的には discussion の方がスクリプトは作りやすい。音声作成は lecture の方が圧倒的に手間が少ないが。


1.ChatGPT/Google Gemini に「今から3つポストする。1番目は mock TOEFL iBT のリーディング・パッセージ。2番目はそれを基にして作った mock TOEFL iBTのリスニング・パッセージ。3番目はまた別のmock TOEFL iBTのリーディング・パッセージ。1番目のリーディングを2番目のリスニングに書き換えたのと同じ要領で、3番目のリーディング・パッセージから教授の講義を作ってほしい」というプロンプトを与える。


3.得られたリスニング・パッセージを自分なりに改変していく、あるいは自分の意に添うように ChatGPT や Gemini に改変させる。




Reading Passage


Pluto, a celestial body situated at a considerable distance from Earth, has long intrigued scientists and captured the imagination of the public, earning a significant place in the annals of astronomical history. In 1930, American astronomer Clyde Tombaugh achieved a groundbreaking milestone by discovering Pluto, marking the initial identification of a planet in the 20th century. Tombaugh's detailed year-long observations revealed this distant member of our Solar System, sparking widespread enthusiasm and even inspiring the creation of a beloved Disney character of the same name.

As scientific understanding advanced over the years, Pluto's status as the ninth planet of our Solar System came under scrutiny. This debate culminated in 2006 when the International Astronomical Union (IAU) redefined the criteria for planetary status, resulting in Pluto's reclassification as a dwarf planet. This decision stirred confusion and controversy among scientists and the general public, prompting many to grapple with the shift in cosmic classification.

Listening Passage

Listen to part of a discussion in an astronomy class. 

Professor: Good morning, class. Your homework last week should’ve prepared you for our topic today: Pluto, a celestial body that has captured the imagination of scientists and the public alike. So, let me ask you. When was Pluto discovered and by who? Emilia? 

Female Student: Umm, it was discovered in 1930, by Clyde Tombaugh, an American astronomer. He was searching for a planet that was believed to be perturbing the orbit of Neptune. After twelve months of extensive observation, he finally discovered it.

それでは ChatGPT と Google Gemini に、作問パターンを読み取らせて、今回のキツツキの読み物から、講義を作らせてみる。プロンプトは以下のような感じ。

I am now going to post three passages. The first is a mock TOEFL iBT reading passage about Pluto. The second is a mock TOEFL iBT listening passage about Pluto based on the content of the first passage. The third is another mock TOEFL iBT reading passage about woodpeckers. I would like you to use the reading-listening conversion patterns found in the first and second posts and use them to make a listening lecture passage about woodpeckers based on the content of the third passage. Are you ready?



Listening Lecture: The Ingenious Woodpecker

Good morning, everyone. Today, we're going to explore the fascinating world of woodpeckers—those master engineers of the forest. Now, I know you've probably seen these birds flitting about, but there's so much more to them than meets the eye. Let's dive in.

First off, woodpeckers are found all over the globe, from the Americas to Asia, Europe, and Africa, boasting an impressive 239 species worldwide. These birds are true marvels of adaptation, and their unique features allow them to play crucial roles in forest ecosystems.

Now, let's talk about their engineering prowess. Woodpeckers are what we call ecosystem engineers, meaning they shape their environment in significant ways. How, you ask? Well, it all starts with their specialized anatomy. Their heads, aptly named "drummers," serve multiple functions. Not only do they use them to drum messages through tree trunks, but they also employ them as tools for foraging. With their sharp bills, woodpeckers chisel through bark to reveal hidden treasures like insects and larvae. It's like they have their own built-in toolkit for finding food!

But their impact goes beyond just satisfying their own hunger. The cavities they meticulously excavate for nesting sites become hot real estate for a whole host of other forest creatures. These cozy homes are sought after by owls, squirrels, and various bird species, turning woodpeckers into unintentional landlords. And get this—most woodpecker species create new nest holes every breeding season, providing even more homes for their forest neighbors. They're like the friendly carpenters of the forest, always building and renovating.

Now, you might think all that drilling would be harmful to the trees, and you'd be right. Over time, woodpeckers can weaken the structural integrity of trees, causing them to eventually fall. But here's where it gets interesting. When a tree falls, it doesn't just disappear—it becomes a hub of life and activity. Beetles, termites, fungi, bacteria, you name it—they all move in and start breaking down the wood. This decomposition process enriches the soil and supports the growth of new plants, keeping the forest ecosystem healthy and thriving.

So, while woodpeckers may seem like simple drummers or carpenters, they're actually much more. They're the architects of habitats and the facilitators of critical ecological processes. By understanding their role as ecosystem engineers, we gain a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of life and the delicate balance of nature.

And that concludes our lecture on woodpeckers. I hope you've gained a newfound admiration for these remarkable birds. If you have any questions or observations, feel free to share them.

Gemini の回答案1

Woodpeckers: The Unsung Ecosystem Engineers - A Mock TOEFL iBT Listening Lecture

Professor: Good morning, class. Today, we'll delve into the fascinating world of woodpeckers, these feathered marvels found across continents. Often recognized for their distinctive drumming talents, woodpeckers play a much more critical role in their environment than mere sound production. They are, in fact, ecosystem engineers, shaping the landscapes and influencing the lives of countless other species. So, how exactly do these birds earn this impressive title? Let's explore.

Woodpeckers wear many hats: architects, carpenters, pest controllers, and even landlords! Their specialized anatomy plays a vital role in their multi-faceted contributions. Their sturdy heads, nicknamed "drummers," serve a dual purpose: communication through powerful resonating messages within the forest canopy and excavation tools for their unique foraging strategy. Using their sharp, chisel-like bills, they meticulously pierce through bark, unveiling a hidden feast of insects and larvae. Some species even tap into sap reserves, creating tiny holes that attract not only insect feeders but also other birds, including fellow woodpeckers, for a delicious snack. This collaborative effort not only satisfies their hunger but also regulates insect populations, maintaining a delicate balance in the ecosystem.

But their impact extends far beyond their own needs. Imagine this: woodpeckers create intricate cavities for nesting, unknowingly leaving behind valuable real estate for other forest dwellers. These "universal trademarks" become cozy homes for owls, squirrels, tits, and even flying squirrels and nuthatches. These grateful residents find shelter and a platform to raise their young within the safe havens carved by the woodpeckers, transforming them into unintentional landlords. Even more impressive, most woodpecker species excavate new nests each year, providing even more abodes for their forest neighbors. Talk about benevolent carpenters and tireless architects!

Their influence transcends mere cavities. As seasons change, the cycle of life unfolds. Woodpeckers, through their persistent drilling and foraging, sometimes inflict "accidental damage" on trees. Their relentless efforts weaken the tree's structure, ultimately leading to its demise. But fear not, this is not an ending, but a transformation. The fallen tree becomes a banquet table for a diverse community of decomposers like beetles, termites, fungi, and bacteria. These organisms break down the complex structures of the fallen wood, returning essential nutrients to the soil. This decomposition process, fueled by the woodpecker's initial "destruction," enriches the soil and fosters the growth of future generations of plants, perpetuating the healthy cycle of the forest ecosystem.

By facilitating this remarkable nutrient cycling, woodpeckers act as catalysts for the forest's rebirth and regrowth. While their initial actions may seem destructive, the bigger picture reveals their crucial contribution to the overall ecological health and balance of their habitat.

So, the next time you hear the rhythmic drumming of a woodpecker, remember, it's not just a show or a call to attention. It's a testament to their essential role as architects, carpenters, and even engineers, shaping the very fabric of the forest around them. Their story reminds us of the interconnectedness of life, where seemingly individual actions have far-reaching consequences that shape the world around us. By understanding their contributions, we gain a deeper appreciation for the intricate web of life and the delicate balance that sustains our natural world.

Professor: That concludes our exploration of the remarkable world of woodpeckers. Remember, they are more than just drummers and carpenters; they are ecosystem engineers, playing a vital role in maintaining the health and diversity of our forests. Any questions?

