

Cannes Lions 2019 Silver Lion in PR category

Entrant Company : LENDLEASE SYDNEY


Christopher Cassaniti, 18, was killed days after his birthday when scaffolding and concrete came crashing down on workers at the construction site on April in 2019. The NSW workplace safety watchdog issued over 100 notices for breaches of scaffold safety rules during a crackdown last year.

2019年4月に18歳の少年が月に18歳の少年が建設現場で作業中に足場が崩れて転落死してしまう痛ましい事故があった。NSW州では職場の安全を監督するSafeWork NSWの抜き打ち検査で2018年にはスキャッフォールド安全規則違反で建築業者に対して100件を超える違反通告を発行している。


One of Australia’s largest construction companies has received an award for a campaign that features its employees with their mothers to remind people to stay safe at work. Lendlease is in the process of replacing the numerous safety messages that often clutter work sites with the message that mum wants you home safe. Featuring seven real-life Lendlease workers and their mothers — as well as cameos from Lendlease CEO and Managing Director Steve McCann and his own mother, Margaret McCann — Mums for Safety plays with the universal theme of mothers having their children’s backs to deliver an unwavering ‘stay safe at work’ message.




• 27% decline in critical incidents
• 13000 campaign asset downloads
• The most liked and commented on Lendlease campaign


・このキャンペーンで作った制作物(ポスターやキャンペーンの服、看板など)13000 ダウンロード




Worker in LENDLEASE, (Second Target) Worker at any construction


・Why is this campaign useful?

By reminding workers you care about them, their conscientiousness will improve. “Our Mums for Safety campaign reminds us to think about those who know us best and want us to come home safely. Whoever that may be — your mum or someone else important in your life.”


Everyone who works in construction know it's dangerous. However there's lots of accidents every year. This campaign prevents accidents to improve their caution by reminding their mother loves them and they needa to go home safely.



What's the reason they did this campaign, not any other construction company?


By focusing on something that everyone can understand (that all mums love children and want them to come home safely), Lendlease showed off that they care a lot about their employees. But one of the negative sides of this promotion is that it is possible for every construction company to promote exactly the same way, because it's focus is very general to the industry and not just specific to this company. 

Although this promotion was very general, it also can say that general thing is imitated easily, and is spread more than a specific promotion.


I think the most remarkable point in this campaign was decreasing the number of accidents on site. Everyone who works in construction knows construction is dangerous, so they need to pay attention. but, even though, there are lots of accidents every year. This campaign succeeded in 6% decline of those accidents. It’s superb.

